Music Programs

I'm seeing a lot of topics here on graphics programs, but what about music programs? Where can I download programs to creat MODs, XMs (whatever those are), and whatever else is going to be supported by Coldstone?

Oh, and will midis be one of the music formats supported?

Pro Tools is good, but i still haven't figured out how to use it. Download it free from CNet.

Look, I only speak two languages. English and bad English.~Bruce Willis


Originally posted by nwa728:
**Pro Tools is good, but i still haven't figured out how to use it. Download it free from CNet.

:eek: AAAAAAAAAAAH! That thing's 40 Mb!!! Maybe I'll try downloading it after I get DSL...


You know what's good? Easy Beat from UNI software. There's a free download and it has a really easy user interface. Another good program is FreeStyle, but I don't know how much that costs....but it seems pretty good. Another one you could try is Igor Engraver, which was recommended in MacAddict.



Where can you download it from?

Look, I only speak two languages. English and bad English.~Bruce Willis

Which one?

Easy beat is downloadable from (I think), I think you can get Igor Engraver from, but I think FreeStyle you have to buy.



It has been stated that Player Pro ( will produce formats playable by Coldstone's engine. The Modular formats (MOD, XM, etc) are somewhat unique in that they combine instruction information (ala MIDI) with samples of actual noise. You could theoretically turn a midi file into a modular format with a little trouble, but not an MP3 or other waveform audio.

I explained music formats in some posting a while back, just search for MOD and you should find plenty of stuff with my name on it.

ProTools is an audio production app; It won't generate sounds for you, you must make them yourself and import them. If you've ever used a 4-Track, ProTools is basically a non-linear multitrack machine. The free version is limited to 8 tracks, but hey, the Beatles recorded Seargent Pepper with only eight tracks...

When faced with running Impulse Tracker under Virtual PC, I downloaded the PlayerPro demo again and it's actually improved since the last time I tried it... but the documentation is still abominable.

--You notice that you have been turned into a pile of ashes.

I have a midi keyboard, I just need a program for my computer to import the music. I know a little piano, but I think i'll just freestyle 🙂

Armorments, chapter two, verses 9 to 21- And Saint Atilla raised the hand grenade up on high saying, "O lord, bless this thine hand grenade, that with it thou may blow thy enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloaths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats....."


If you want to make music, export/import sounds, edit or change music, then it's Cubase VST all the way.

If you want to test any sounds or music, then Peak Audio Studio should do.

If you want a drum beat machine for your music, then try ReBirth.

For sound imports and changed of all sorts to them, try Reaktor, T-Rax, Timebandit (time stretching expert) and a few others I have forgotten.

All can be found on a Lycos search. Unfortunately, the best one, Cubase, costs around Ł450. The rest, I think, are shareware or freeware. Try 'em out.

(I have all of these programs, so I know their use is very good).

Brought to you by the one and only; ""Gav""

For drum beats, virtual drummer is good. It can export music into midis, qt, or aiff. It is(like everything else), downloadable from cnet.

I know Kung Fu.~Keanu Reeves