Somthin' I noticed in the screenshots...

Okay, in the screenshots for the as-of-yet unnamed game that is being made with Coldstone, it would apear that a waterfall is giving off a particle effect! Is this true? 'Cause if it is, that would allow for some pretty swanky visual effects.

"Question boldly even the very existance of a God, for if there is one he must surely apreciate the homage of Reason rather than a blindfolded fear." -Thomas Jefferson


Originally posted by Servack:
**Okay, in the screenshots for the as-of-yet unnamed game that is being made with Coldstone, it would apear that a waterfall is giving off a particle effect! Is this true? 'Cause if it is, that would allow for some pretty swanky visual effects.

That effect is not made by a particle system. It is a simple animation (bunch of images with different sparkles). It is pretty easy to simulate something like a particle effect in Coldstone.

Dee Brown
Coldstone Game Engine developer
Beenox inc. - (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Dee:
**That effect is not made by a particle system. It is a simple animation (bunch of images with different sparkles). It is pretty easy to simulate something like a particle effect in Coldstone.


Would it be possible to have a semi-transparent image overlaying the screen? (As to give the effect of "fog")

I am the Walrus, Goo Goo G' joob

I know this is kinda stupid, but what exactly IS a particle effect? Is it like the spray from a waterfall?

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Particle effects are when you have spearate particles in an area, like snow. These particles are guided by rules that are put into the program. This is different from an animation in that an animation doesn't have sparate particles, but a sequence of pictures.




Would it be possible to have a semi-transparent image overlaying the screen? (As to give the effect of "fog")

From what I heard, no transparency. It's such a cool effect, though, and I may have misinterpreted what I read.

"Well you know that it's a fool who playes it cool by making his world a little colder."


Originally posted by Wandering_Slacker:


Would it be possible to have a semi-transparent image overlaying the screen? (As to give the effect of "fog")

From what I heard, no transparency. It's such a cool effect, though, and I may have misinterpreted what I read.


If you're talking about what I said, you misinterpreted. 🙂 What I meant when I said no transparency was that it wouldn't automatically make walls transparent when you are by them. (like Diablo does)

"Bond, GlueBubble Bond."

YES! I like transparency. I'm a big semi-tropical forest scene fan, and a really light layer of mist is always nice. That brings me to another point: Would I be able to have this mist layer sort of move across the screen? I know you can have movies for the background, but is there only one background and is it impossible to have transparant movies? I'm sort of guessing that you can, but I'm by no means sure. It really won't affect my game design so there's no rush for anyone to hurry in their reply, unless someone else is really worried about this.

"Well you know that it's a fool who playes it cool by making his world a little colder."