Some feature requests...

Basically this is coming from a couple things I would like to put in my game....

A) I would like to see an "Aware" option.....i.e., unit X is aware of anything within 4 movement tiles of himself. Also, the ability to modify the awareness of a unit.

🆒 Again, I'll say weather effects would be VERY good. The reason this comes into play is......I want unit X to have lessened awareness on a rainy day....

🙂 I dearly want these features....I could do so much with them!

The sentient Glue
Bubble waves to

To make weather (rain, for example) I believe you could have a large animated picture of a whole buncha rain drops that you would cover the map with. And as for clouds and stuff, it looks like the new animation editor could make that pretty easy to do, correct me if I'm wrong, Dee.

Yeah, I am hoping for built in weather effects though..... Last I knew, this was a "If we have time" feature. It would be nice to have it as easy as possible....I was going to resort to using weapons with grey beams which shot from the sky if I had to. 😉

The sentient Glue
Bubble waves to

That did no damage, Glue? 😄

Weather effects would be cool, but I'd like to see at least some support for line of sight awareness, or something like that. Would it be possible to put the character you play in the center of the screen, and have something like the fog of war option that's now standard in games like C&C;, Starcraft, and the like? Like the dark areas would be memory, and the bright area in front of your character's sight is what he currently sees? Obviously, you can't see a monster kicking your butt until you've screwed your head around to see that orc behind you. Then you can see him while he bashes your head to the ground. And then you kiss good old Grandma Gaia 😄

While we are on the topic of feature requests, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, maybe Coldstone can be able to compile linux versions of games?....that would make all our linux friends happy 🙂


(quote)Originally posted by ManaSpirit:
**That did no damage, Glue?:)

"Bond, GlueBubble Bond."

This is totally off the wall, but it'd be cool if you could have an out of body experience, like Ferazel's Wand's Mist Potion.

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

I've never played Ferazel....would you expand on what you said to give us an idea of what it does?

"Bond, GlueBubble Bond."

The Mist Potion of Ferazel's Wand lets you leave your body and collect powerups/flip switches. You can't be harmed or move any items around os you're basically just floating around (yes floating) looking for powerups. The catch is that if you don't return to your body within the time limit (I think its around 15-30 seconds) you die.

It's most relevant purpose is passing through frustratingly locked doors that have no keys, moving through walls, and bypassing insanely powerful enemies. While some of these functions wouldn't be so releveant to an RPG, being able to walk through enemies would.

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better