An Idea....

Well, I mainly want to see if this are/will be possible using the engine.

-Having equiped items alter a character's abilities. This way, a sword would give you a new spell, or somethin' like that.

-Allow for equiped items to alter the perameters of other items. That wa y, we could have a shield would make a sword do more damage, or whatever.

-Andrew out.

"Question boldly even the very existance of a God, for if there is one he must surely apreciate the homage of Reason rather than a blindfolded fear." -Thomas Jefferson


Originally posted by Servack:
Having equiped items alter a character's abilities. This way, a sword would give you a new spell, or somethin' like that.

Easy. You can fire an event when the player equip this item (or drop/remove/etc.). This event would give a spell to the player.


Originally posted by Servack:
**Allow for equiped items to alter the perameters of other items. That way, we could have a shield would make a sword do more damage, or whatever.

You could hack something like that with the event binding stated above.

Dee Brown
Coldstone Game Engine developer
Beenox inc. - (url="http://"")

Q: now, assuming you did that, would another event be req'd to remove that once the equipment was removed?