
Well, it seems I'm back from my lengthy absence, 2 high school credits and a LOT of reading wiser (the reading was not related to the credits). I've decided that this community doesn't really need me, but I might make a mercenaries plug in some time later. I've got a lot of text and background for one, just don't have the gumption to actually make it. Don't expect to see too much of me, I think most of the ares is gone from my bloodstream.

HOWEvER: I'd still be MORE than willing to hammer out some rough ares RPG, if even for use only by community members on the WebRPG service (www.webRPG.com - check it out, very cool tool) if anyone wants to give me a hand with that.

Anyways, I'm back.

Did you feed us tales of deceit
Conceal the tongues who need to speak
Subtle lies and a soiled coin
The truth is sold, the deal is done
-Portishead, "Coyboys"

Glad to see you've returned (albiet partially). Though I do wish your retuen would be more permanent since these boards are on their last leg. A few things have changed since you left; namely the first of the Hera scenarios are being released, and one of them is quite entertaining (Black Seas). As for the RPG, I've actually been working on an Ares RPG in some spare time and have a few notes if you'd care to implement them.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.