EV/EVO Newswire: Cold Blood Alpha V release!

After months and months of no news regarding the Cold Blood plugin, I bring you proof that it still exists. Testers who helped out with the Alpha IV, and you know who you are, email me at (url="http://"mailto:cbtesting@hotmail.com")mailto:cbtesting@hotmail.com(/url)cbtesting@hotmail.com

Wheeeee! Cold Blood is the only plug-in whose website I still regularily check. Anyway, you're one of the best graphic artists for EV I know so I'm sure it's going to be great.
I want to Want To WANT TO play Cold Blood.


...Sorry, I got a bit excited there...


So Cold Blood does exist!!! More then a year ago, I was on my toes waiting for the plug to be released, but the project seemed to drift...This is VERY good news. Long live Cold Blood!

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
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