EV/EVO Newswire: Eeun's Shipyard Returning

Who misses Eeun's Shipyard?

Well, don't. I (EVula) talked to Eeun shortly before he closed down his shipyard; I managed to convince him to "give" me all of his ships. This means that Eeun's Shipyard is soon going to be a section of my Shipyard (found (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/shipyard")http://www.evula.com/shipyard(/url)here

Cool! I can't wait! Cool shipyard EVula!

Long live the Rebellion!
(url="http://"http://www.pautsch.com/nova6")Visit my website!(/url)

Thanks. If I can get the new layout "installed" on it in time for the update (1 week and counting...), I'll be including a nifty new Preview feature for the Shipyard; this will make it easier for people to see what they are getting. If I get enough demand for it, I'll make animated GIFs of all this ships (like I did for all of the original EV ships, oh-so-long ago... for an example, click (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/plugins/EVAG.html")here(/url)).


Hoo-jah! It's back!

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

Wow. Very awesome. I love the website!

~Cap'n Skyblade