EV/EVO Newswire: EV/EVO Chronicles will be updated more often

Since there is a large backlog of stories in the EV/EVO pending chronicles, I have changed my policy of posting a new story every 5-6 days. I will now be changing the story every 3-4 days (twice a week).

Please keep writing and submitting your stories. If you are breaking your story into chapters, try to submit 2-3 chapters at a time under one subject heading. Remember that whatever you type in the subject heading will become the title, so proofread it before hitting the submit button (proofread everything, anyhow; it saves me a lot of work!). Also, place line spaces between paragraphs because indents don't show up. (Don't worry if you didn't do this, and you've already submitted your work--I'll put them in for you this time 😉 .

And check the Chronicles more often for new stuff! Also, remember that you can read older stories by clicking on links on the right side of the Chronicles page.
editor of the EV/EVO Chronicles