EV/EVO Newswire: TC in production, help wanted

I am currently making a total conversion for EVO. It wont be too big (only about 50-70 systems) but adds a new genre to EVO games. I doubt if I can make a TC without a certain degree of help. I will need :

People with graphic skills
People with Res-Edit or/and EV-Edit understanding
Relief mission writers
Beta testers
Encouragment (ie. people to keep me going, give suggestions ect.)

If you have any of the skills above and some spare time, then please reply via Banter and Brawl (I have a topic for this there) or e-mail me at JanGael@totalise.net. Anyone in this will have an important person in the plug named after them (ie. a general or something) , as well as a PËRS and the glory of being part of a TC. Thank you.

I will help you with the graphics of your TC of EVO, I am willing to do ships, outfits, and planet graphics. my email is at gtolson@mac.com

-See you at starside


Originally posted by Captain Xero:
**I will help you with the graphics of your TC of EVO, I am willing to do ships, outfits, and planet graphics. my email is at gtolson@mac.com

-See you at starside**

Thanks. I really need 'em. I'll get back to you when I have an idea what the stuff will look like. Please can more people join, it is a really good TC, and if it comes out, it will be nothing short of Frozen Heart.

The way to have a good life is simple, just think these thoughts:


Also, this:

Baseball is wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk.

Starskita has some Res-Edit plug understanding. Enough to help you with it.

& is good at writing plots!

email at starskita@home.com




I belive I can help ya with this TC plug you are doing. I have an intricate knowledge of the EV resources and the AIs, and experince creating smaller plugs. I love developing plot lines, and I really love to write(Plan to work for Imagine Publishing(Macaddict & PC Gamer)), so if you would let me write the Desc resouces, I will say some Chi prayers for you ;).
Unfourtunatly, I have no skill whatsoever at either graphics or mission desgin, hence why none of the prior plugs got off my hard drive.

If you wish to have me in on your team, you can either E-mail me at: baron66@earthlink.net , drop me a line via ICQ (My number is: 47914019), or simply reply to this message on this board(I'll try to check it more often than I do, but...)

Check Six, I'm outta here!

Cool. I'll be e-mailing all of you. 🆒

AIM: Just, GavHardy.:-)
Check out the site! Exellent webboard! Come on in!

I'd like fish 'n' chips, with extra batter and a lump of lard on the side. Also, a triple extra-large chocolate ice-cream with a flake in each scoop, a large cheese burger, with another compliment of fries, and whatever that person over there is eating, and some coke. Oh, and make that Diet Coke, as I'm on a diet.

I came, I saw, I left home 'cos my dinner was cold.
-Julias Caeser in Carry on Caeser comedy series.


1/8 computer nerd
1/8 fast biker
1/8 tv watcher
1/8 EVO fan
1/2 clubber and lady's man
