You mean the IA telling SIB and croc that the other was innocent wasn't enough information for them to have singled you out and lynched you?
GTW Game 37
Still, then I would had to have convinced whoever was left to help me lynch you. For breaking a pinky promise. You monster.
Originally I was going to kill croc. SoItBegins had already voted with me against mud212. I felt he might have agreed with my evidence against you I'd already accumulated, and with further arguments, you would look much more guilty than I. After all, mud212 didn't have any proof it was me, he merely suspected me based on flawed statistical reasoning. Basically all the real evidence points to you. The risk was that SoItBegins would not be convinced, or worse, assume that you would have kept croc in the game since he'd voted for me in the previous round.
When croc posted for the last time here, I changed that to killing SoItBegins, with the hope that you and I would vote against each other, and croc would simply not vote. A tie wouldn't be broken, and so I'd still win much as I did ended up doing. The risk was that croc might show up anyway, and I wouldn't be able to convince him that you had kept him alive specifically to vote against me, since he had before.
When croc stated on IRC that he had, in fact, withdrawn from the game, I upheld our little agreement after all.
I wasn't planning on revealing my secret plan, but then how will people learn to be paranoid?
Anyway, pinky swears only count if you actually do the thing with your pinkies. I didn't even reciprocate with your emote to that effect ;).
I was just starting to get SLIGHTlY suspicious of you, mrxak, but not enough to trigger any alarms... yet. :ninja: Darn.
To the victor go the spoils!
@soitbegins, on 11 June 2012 - 01:21 AM, said in GTW Game 37:
I was just starting to get SLIGHTlY suspicious of you, mrxak, but not enough to trigger any alarms... yet. :ninja: Darn.
To the victor go the spoils!
I'll take that to mean I would've won anyway :).