Say, mrxak, what's the status on the Big Board?
_The Big Board reads:
darth_vader - GutlessWonder
1Eevee1 -
GutlessWonder - nfreader
Hypochondriac - nfreader
JacaByte - nfreader
kickme - GutlessWonder
Mackilroy -
nfreader - GutlessWonder
rebelswin_85 -
Rickton - nfreader
RJC Ultra - GutlessWonder
Shlimazel - nfreader
SoItBegins - nfreader_
@rickton, on Feb 7 2008, 11:40 AM, said in GTW Game 18:
I'm pretty sure you're lying. I don't think Gutless would have both vote changing (which has been confirmed by him himself) and one kill. That's a bit overpowered, wouldn't you say?
I say let him live. The only time the vote changing actually did anything was when he used it to save his own life. And nobody else even died because of it. We know he's not a terrorist so if we kill him we're basically wasting a vote.
Interesting, but I've kind of wanted him dead ever since he tried to blackmail me. More importantly, I don't see how his power helps the innocents at all, so what I propose is that GW is also on team evil, and is working with someone else who has the onekill power. They had Gutless contact nfreader becasue they didn't want him to reveal the one-kill incase this happened. I have no idea who the one-kill is, but leaving Gutless alive right now doesn't seem like a good idea.
I find that the role of blackmailing should not be given to an innocent; the risk of killing more innocents through its use is too great. If it were paired up with an intelligence agent, I see how it could be useful, but in this case I won't allow Gutless Wonder to have any more power over what happens around the table.
I don't see clear evidence either way, nor do I see a reason to believe GutlessWonder is allied with the evil party. I vote for nfreader.
Whatever else is going on, the terrorists are getting alot of help this game....
nfreader was being held under threat of death by Gutless Wonder unless he would convince the council to all vote for Anon. If he had revealed what Gutless Wonder was doing to nfreader, he would have been killed. If he didn't do as he was told, he would have been killed. nfreader is not the enemy; Gutless Wonder is, and I don't see any information that would prove otherwise. I also don't see any reason for rebelswin_85 to do anything other than vote for Gutless Wonder unless he himself is a terrorist.
I don't trust nfreader, but I don't trust GutlessWonder either. This 'ability' of his, even if he's using it to keep himself alive, is suspicious.
_The Big Board reads:
darth_vader - GutlessWonder
1Eevee1 -
GutlessWonder - nfreader
Hypochondriac - nfreader
JacaByte - GutlessWonder
kickme - GutlessWonder
Mackilroy - GutlessWonder
nfreader - GutlessWonder
rebelswin_85 - nfreader
Rickton - nfreader
RJC Ultra - GutlessWonder
Shlimazel - nfreader
SoItBegins - nfreader_
Round ends in about 4 hours.
Vote is tied. I hope someone breaks it or the terrorists get to kill two of us. I still don't get nfreader. He should have realized he would most likely die in the next round if anon was innocent. So why give into blackmail? just declare gutless was trying to blackmail you. Or at the very least you should have given gutless name. At least an innocent would have lived
@jacabyte, on Feb 7 2008, 04:41 PM, said in GTW Game 18:
nfreader was being held under threat of death by Gutless Wonder unless he would convince the council to all vote for Anon.
There's no reason to believe that. Gutless stated (and others have verified) that he has some sort of blackmail/vote changing ability, but I'm with Rickton in that I don't think he would have both that and the ability to kill someone. Even if he did,
@hypochondriac, on Feb 7 2008, 05:06 PM, said in GTW Game 18:
(nfreader) should have realized he would most likely die in the next round if anon was innocent. So why give into blackmail? just declare gutless was trying to blackmail you. Or at the very least you should have given gutless name. At least an innocent would have lived
The math doesn't make sense. Worst case scenario, nfreader refuses to do Gutless's bidding and we at least have a chance to convict a terrorist. If nfreader is telling the truth now (he wasn't before, remember?) then at best he's a self-serving fool who is working against the common interest of the innocent. Alternatively, he is a terrorist who received the blackmail email from Gutless and decided to use it as a screen to eliminate as many innocents as possible. Either way, I see no reason to keep him alive since he can't be trusted to act in the community interest even if he himself is innocent.
@jacabyte, on Feb 7 2008, 04:41 PM, said in GTW Game 18:
I also don't see any reason for rebelswin_85 to do anything other than vote for Gutless Wonder unless he himself is a terrorist.
I've explained myself thoroughly enough. The chain of events does not point to Gutless Wonder being a terrorist at all, only that he has a special power in the game (but not that of terrorist) and either a second power or is in cahoots with someone else who has a special power (but also not a terrorist). If anything, it seems that from what we know we can confidently say that Gutless is not a terrorist. You need to rethink what you're saying, and rethink your vote.
This post has been edited by rebelswin_85 : 07 February 2008 - 09:17 PM
If it turns out that Gutless is not a terrorist, rebelswin, I will seriously consider voting for nfreader next round.
Darn you darth_vader, I already typed up what would happen if things ended as they would have before your change in vote.
I submit to you that, even if I do die, jacabyte and nfreader are both terrorists, at the least, while I am, myself, innocent (albeit an underhanded blackmailer who has so far only managed to save his own skin). And, seeing as my life is on the line, as well as knowing that nfreader has lied to us at least once already, I would urge everyone to vote for him.
Edit: what's going to suck is when whoever changed my vote in the first couple rounds changes it again...
This post has been edited by GutlessWonder : 07 February 2008 - 10:47 PM
_"Ahem, yes, let me tally the votes once again," mrxak said at the podium as the delegates all enjoyed their End of the Round Soup in their chairs, all except JacaByte who remained standing at his place. "If anybody wants to change their vote now, please go ahead."
nfreader and SoItBegins change their votes. nfreader votes for 1Eevee1, and SoItBegins, in a surprising move, votes for himself.
The Big Board reads:
darth_vader -
1Eevee1 -
GutlessWonder - nfreader
Hypochondriac - nfreader
JacaByte - GutlessWonder
kickme - GutlessWonder
Mackilroy - GutlessWonder
nfreader - 1Eevee1
rebelswin_85 - nfreader
Rickton - nfreader
RJC Ultra - GutlessWonder
Shlimazel - nfreader
SoItBegins - SoItBegins
"Hmm, most bizarre," mrxak continued. "But, I see we've reached our final count. Five votes for nfreader, four for GutlessWonder, one vote each for 1Eevee1 and SoItBegins. nfreader will be executed immediately. Enjoy your soup, gentlemen."
Just then as nfreader was led away, the lights suddenly went out, followed by a bright blinding flash. When emergency lights switched on moments later, JacaByte was nowhere to be seen.
"What happened?" mrxak exclaimed. "Hey! Where's JacaByte? Somebody get security in here!"
It took several hours to discover what happened. The delegates reassembled and mrxak explained.
"Well, this has been a difficult time, as you can imagine, but we've finally figured out what happened. You see, long before NAC was formed, this underground complex was in the use of a madman named darwinian, who was trying to take over the world. Some secret agent stopped his plans at killing off everyone with a fast-acting biological weapon only he and his followers were immune to. It remained abandoned for years, until we finally took it over because it was cheaper than building a new one. Unfortunately, it seems that this room we're in now was once the main meeting area for darwinian and his top lieutenants, the table you're all sitting around is in the exact same place as the his table was, and your seats happened to be located exactly where his lieutenants sat. Well, needless to say, when darwinian was disappointed with one of his lieutenants, he dealt with them rather quickly. A simple press of a button and the floor would open up under one of their seats and an extremely hot flame would shoot up, burning the man and probably the seat to ashes nearly instantly. That's what that bright flash was that we all saw just after the lights went out. The poor man, he didn't trust to sit down in his seat again, but he still stood right on top of the trapdoor, and the rogue members had control of it. JacaByte's nation was already nuked before, so I guess the rogue members did not feel it necessary to do so again."
_There are currently 11 players in this game:
RJC Ultra
SoItBegins _
"In any case, we've secured all of the trapdoors and everything is quite safe I'm sure. We must continue trying to get to the bottom of all this. Please vote again quickly, this round will last another 48 hours."_