Something weird just came up as i was playing tooday. Gatori HVD's are EXACTLY the same as Ishimian's. Dunno about the speed, but the weapns and sheild (apart from the Pellet gun) Weird eh?

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

have you checked the speed of your ship? it might be the aerodynamic forces of space on the sheilds and weapons. its probably a bug.


Yes, all HVDs are very much the same, apart from their weapons and visual appearance.

"HAHAHAHAHahahaaaaa!" — Soulblighter

It's not weird, there is only difference in the weaponry and appearance, nothing else. Mostly their main weapons are the same (same range, speed, accuracy and firing speed, only different sprites).

Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my

Yeah, gatori fullereen equevilants are the same range and damage. But they fire faster I think. It's weird because gatori suck most of the time.

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

most likely, the reason the HVDs are the same is to equalize the net games. If the Gaitory HVD was much less powerful than say, the Ishiman HVD, then Rock would be a very pointless netgame. The more powerful race could warp to the other persons planet, take out their HVD and successfully beat any of their ships to the ground that they built.
Speaking of balance between the races, I think it would be a great addition to the Ares plugin collection if someone were to equalize all the races so that none of them had any difference in advantage. For example, you could increase the cost of all the more advanced races' ships dramatically to hamper the construcion more powerful ships. And say, make it so gaitory cruisers cost 2 credits and their gunships 6 or something like that. If somebody DOES decide to do this, please take great care and time, since the balance is pretty delicate and any advantage of a single race would tip off the play value of net-games.