
Where do i get the ares versoin 1.2 i cant find it and i cant play that selraiins plug without and where do i dowload game ranger without downloading ares again and i need help on level 15. oh by teh way i jsut got the licens code today and im excited.

"Blast it, Rukh, Waht do
you think your doing?"

"I'm doing my job"

opk never mind i figured it out its not out all teh way but some poeple have(not me unfortunalty) oh well i guess ill just ahve to wai. its not fair.

"Blast it, Rukh, Waht do
you think your doing?"

"I'm doing my job"

Whit no help from you people i ahve gotten it but i still need help on level 15. but ithink soem already posted a topic about that let me go check.

"Blast it, Rukh, Waht do
you think your doing?"

"I'm doing my job"

Good god, that spelling is atrocious!

"Let's do this!"
Titan A.E.

I'm sorry motehr its jsut i can type fast(i learned from aim) but i cant speel right unleess if i contcetrate(and on aim tehre isnt enoguh time with 18 poeple talking at onve) but i'm really ahppy cuase i figured out how to use gmaranger and i figured out how to usde hera and i ahve big plans and i got 1.2 but hopefully it wont screw up my comp or esle step dad will get pissed. later

"Blast it, Rukh, Waht do
you think your doing?"

"I'm doing my job"

No offense, but reading your posts really burn my eyes.

"...Cotton Mouse... to say that the plug is royally messed up is an understatement. I'm taking a look at it with Plug Checker, and some of these errors I have just never seen before..."-Obormot, debugger

ERA for EV:

(still in alpha stages)