help me please!!!

anyone ,i need help u know that crazy f that is on the titals of some of the ares documents. my brother erased the crazy f and now i can't play ares how dow i fix the f from this "f" to the squigly f on the ares documents help!!!!



Do you mean the slanted "f"? If so, just press OPTION-f, and you have it.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

But somehow I doubt that erasing an ƒ caused your problem...

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

It does. I deleted a slanted "F" on one of my programs and it got really screwed up, I couldn't use it anymore.


As for fixing your problem... Just go to another program and copy the slanted "F" from there.


oh god thanks thank you big time thank you thank you!!!!


Are you refering to me? Or to macintosh man?


both of you
