Editor Question For Silverwind

I was looking through Boss Training in the editor and it looked almost like in the game its self. The first mini boss was of course parent child linked to two turrets. However, when I clicked on the turrets, there was a box showing that they were there, but the turrets didn't show. :huh: Also, what confused me even more was that when I clicked on the third ship boss, it said that it was a big bug. (If it had been the third ship it would have flown sideways in the game.) This seemed to work out fine in the game except that the ship doesn't turn red when you hurt it. :huh: :blink:

If this makes any sense, I would like to know how to do this. 🙂 Thanks!


he did this with alpha values. If you look at the top of the editor screen in the middle, you will see a slider, this slider causes the sprite to become transparent/semi-transparent/non-transparent. sorry if this isn't the correct answer, and if you wanted SW to answer, you might have a better chance if you PM him next time. Hope this helps!


Thanks, Kasofa. That really helps! 🙂 Now I know.


Kasofa is probably right, but in all honesty I can't remember. It's been many moons since I crafted anything with the editor and I've forgotten most of the nifty techniques I used to use. I remember allot of my Bosses having invisible turrets, but as to whether I used low alpha or layer 10 or whatever I haven't got a clue. 😛

I'm gonna get back to work on Rise of Necrosketch one of these days, so I'll have to brush up on the editor.

@silverwind, on Jul 24 2008, 02:54 AM, said in Editor Question For Silverwind:

Kasofa is probably right, but in all honesty I can't remember. It's been many moons since I crafted anything with the editor and I've forgotten most of the nifty techniques I used to use. I remember allot of my Bosses having invisible turrets, but as to whether I used low alpha or layer 10 or whatever I haven't got a clue. 😛

I'm gonna get back to work on Rise of Necrosketch one of these days, so I'll have to brush up on the editor.

Thanks, Silverwind. 🙂 Rise of Necrosketch sounds like it will be another great level. If it's any thing like the Cathedral of Chaos, I can't wait for you to finish it! By the way, those hints about the super-secrets in the Cathedral of Chaos were really helpful. 🙂 I found the Homing Gun in the game and the other two in the editor by making all the background tiles dissapear. They are well hidden. 🆒


Hehe, glad to help.