Giant Microbes (beta version)

Another Lamkin level preview...

Mentioned in another post, this level has you inside the human body trying to fight off an infection that currently has the individual's temperature at 110 degrees. Your mission is to destroy all the nasty germs and reduce the fever to 98.6 degrees. So for every "flu germ" (blob) you destroy, the thermometer will be reduced by approximately .5 degrees. The level is nowhere near complete, but any comments would be greatly appreciated...
I'm still having some issues with the layering in this one, as some of the sprites are overlapping and occupy the same layer, which causes SketchFighter to draw them only some of the time. (My fault...I'll fix it eventually.)

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This post has been edited by Lamkin : 20 July 2008 - 04:04 AM

one acronym. ROFLOL! very funny looking germ dude near the thermometer. interesting. Keep working on it!
you have my "Good Luck"!


@kasofa1, on Jul 20 2008, 06:40 PM, said in Giant Microbes (beta version):

one acronym. ROFLOL! very funny looking germ dude near the thermometer. interesting. Keep working on it!
you have my "Good Luck"!


I just wish I could say that the germ was original. I actually saw that thing on the door of a bathroom at a church. I had to draw and copy it immediately, as I was amused. (People were kind of wondering what I was doing.) The title and idea for the level was inspired by a rather funny (to me, at least) web site with the same name.

@lamkin, on Jul 20 2008, 08:48 PM, said in Giant Microbes (beta version):

I just wish I could say that the germ was original. I actually saw that thing on the door of a bathroom at a church. I had to draw and copy it immediately, as I was amused. (People were kind of wondering what I was doing.) The title and idea for the level was inspired by a rather funny (to me, at least) web site with the same name.

AHA! Plagiarism! and with witlesses! I mean, uh witnesses! it's still funny though. I hope that you manage to finish this!
Keep it up!

Ha! :laugh: I love it, it's gonna be a good level.

On a side note, you can only read all that "Drown a germ" text if you have a monitor that's bigger than 1024x768, which is the average monitor size, by the way. 😉

@jacabyte, on Jul 21 2008, 08:38 AM, said in Giant Microbes (beta version):

Ha! :laugh: I love it, it's gonna be a good level.

On a side note, you can only read all that "Drown a germ" text if you have a monitor that's bigger than 1024x768, which is the average monitor size, by the way. 😉

Yeah, I noticed that about the text, I'll fix that. Also, the problem with destroying blobs in order to reduce the "fever" is that if one of those blobs finds another one...and then is destroyed, its link to any other sprite (via Extra1 or Extra2) is broken. So, I'm just going to make sure those particular blobs are way off by themselves.
Thanks for the comments, Jaca. (I see your single player score is now better than mine.) 🙂
Thanks for your comments, too, Kasofa.

Geez, Lamkin, what is it? A level a day! 😉 I haven't tried giant microbes yet, but it sounds like a cool concept. 🙂 I'll post again after I play it.


My post number is climbing, as I now have approximately 1/100th of Jaca's posts. (WoOt!) :rolleyes:
Here's an update to the level...


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Nice. 😛

It's easy to get killed and lost, with the latter leading to the former due to the fact that with even my exceptional piloting skills I still manage to run into walls. 😉 If you're low on shields and are looking for a save ring, say goodbye. You might never find it. Even with the relatively low number of enemies here.

On a side note, I think the way the thermometer handles temperature should be changed:

Posted Image

You can see the individual bars that are removed when you destroy microbes here. If possible, it should be made a bit more linear.

Still a nice level, though.

This post has been edited by JacaByte : 21 July 2008 - 01:08 PM

Clever level, Lamkin. Nice Germ Artwork. 😉


@jacabyte, on Jul 21 2008, 12:08 PM, said in Giant Microbes (beta version):

Nice. 😛

It's easy to get killed and lost, with the latter leading to the former due to the fact that with even my exceptional piloting skills I still manage to run into walls. 😉 If you're low on shields and are looking for a save ring, say goodbye. You might never find it. Even with the relatively low number of enemies here.

On a side note, I think the way the thermometer handles temperature should be changed.
You can see the individual bars that are removed when you destroy microbes here. If possible, it should be made a bit more linear.

Still a nice level, though.

Both excellent points, Jaca. I was initially going to use the third ship from the start, but I think that one might be able to fly past the temperature bars, etc. (I'll have to test this.) Otherwise, I'll put in some health here and there (I was going to anyway), start you out with the second shield upgrade, and then just make more save stations. On the other hand, I could make all the walls so that they don't do any damage. (Can that be done without affecting the wall in some other unintended way? I'll have to see.)
Secondly, I had thought before of making the level more linear. This change I definitely will make, as the temperature bars look a little odd when spaces are there.
On a side note, Jaca, please stop playing the single player game, as I need a chance to catch up to (and beat) your score. 😉

This post has been edited by Lamkin : 21 July 2008 - 03:15 PM

I'm only going to stop when I get 20 minutes. 😛 Theoretically possible...

@klublex, on Jul 21 2008, 12:29 PM, said in Giant Microbes (beta version):

Clever level, Lamkin. Nice Germ Artwork. 😉


I'd tried to post this response before. (Mentioned just in case you see it posted elsewhere.) Anyway, thanks for the comment, Klublex.

i manages to kill all of the "germs". Interesting. and what jaca said about the problem with low shields, i beg to differ, I have found that is you fly BACKWARDS then you have a much lower chance of dieing! anyway, i hope that you can finish this, and the only part the made me lag was right at the start, so it was great! and what the heck were those circuitry sprites for?

Keep working on this!

Circuitry sprites: veins?

@jacabyte, on Jul 21 2008, 05:59 PM, said in Giant Microbes (beta version):

Circuitry sprites: veins?

This seems unlikely, because there are only two lines of them...


@jacabyte, on Jul 21 2008, 04:59 PM, said in Giant Microbes (beta version):

Circuitry sprites: veins?

Jaca is correct. (Bad, Kasofa!) Blue ones are veins, and red ones are arteries...or should it be the other way around? (I have a minor in Biology, too...for shame.) Regardless, I'm not planning on making too many of those. (I had thought of making them pulse, but it didn't look right to me.)
I'm off to the pool (again?) to see if I can find a guy about a possible job; he owns a software company. (My wife neglected to mention this to me the other day when we met him.)
Here's the latest update to the level.
(Note: I forgot to make the finish line not solid, so I'll have to fix that, obviously. Plus, the level is going to contain many more enemies, as I've just done the basic germs for now.)

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Arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins carry blood toward the heart. Since red blood has been oxygenated, and blue blood has been spent, (lack of oxygen) a vein would be blue and an artery red. 😉

Perhaps someone could let me know by suggestion what enemies, etc., could or should be added to this version. It needs something , as it's kind of boring now (to me). Thanks!

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@jacabyte, on Jul 22 2008, 02:25 AM, said in Giant Microbes (beta version):

Arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins carry blood toward the heart. Since red blood has been oxygenated, and blue blood has been spent, (lack of oxygen) a vein would be blue and an artery red. 😉

But in the pulmonary circulation, in which the blood is oxygenated, veins are red and arteries are blue. 🙂