Snail Racing (v1.0)

Lamkin's 8th level...

A new level called Snail Racing. This has many similarities to Road Kill. The goal here is to try and not "knock down" any of the orange pylons. (I tested the level dozens of times, and it is possible to get through the entire thing without triggering the release of any enemies.) I changed my mind about setting a time limit for the completion of the level, as I thought that might frustrate some people so much that they quit playing, which isn't what I'm hoping to accomplish.
I hope you guys like this one.


Attached File(s)

I guess I'm being wishy-washy, but I actually think the level plays better timed. So, here's v1.1.


Attached File(s)

It seems most players aren't posting much anymore. 😞
I've looked back several pages into the posts and I'm almost stunned to see the length (and detail) of some of the posts about a year ago. (I had thought some of my posts were long.) Oh big thing. It's all good. :wub:
One other minor thing is that it would be nice if...after coming to a save station in the middle of a given timed level and then exploding shortly afterwards...the timer wouldn't start back up from the beginning.
Anyways, this version of this particular level is my own personal favorite. It may not be Silverwind or Pi great, but I still like it. (Yes, I was giving them a compliment.) 🙂


I'm still here. I just forgot to post. 😉
Sorry! Cool level concept. it took me about 5 minutes I think.
I liked it. Glad people are still making levels.

Keep up the good work!

"Silverwind great" eh? Your levels are way better than mine Lam. The detail in your maps is incredible, and you've taken us further away from the generic "area" levels than any other sketch mapper to date. Give yourself a pat on the back!

@silverwind, on Jul 18 2008, 04:36 PM, said in Snail Racing (v1.0):

"Silverwind great" eh? Your levels are way better than mine Lam. The detail in your maps is incredible, and you've taken us further away from the generic "area" levels than any other sketch mapper to date. Give yourself a pat on the back!

Thanks so much, Silverwind, for the compliments. As I had said in an earlier post, making levels for me is a lot more fun than drawing or even gaming, so that's why I make them (and make them so fast, too.) I still think that, at least structurally, mechanically, etc., yours and Pi's and Kasofa's levels are way cooler. (For example, your "computer" in TCoC could be interacted with...You made new text appear, etc. I thought and think that stuff was way cool.) I realize you guys are much, much younger than me (although thankfully, not one of you has ever mentioned that fact), and that me posting is sort of odd, perhaps...but, SketchFighter takes me back to a time when I was even younger than you guys. So, Silverwind, I would encourage your interest in graphic design, as I think you're quite talented. (Hmmm, I'm sounding like an old teacher now, so I'll shut up.)