The Flying Pig

The newest Lamkin level...

The Flying Pig. Hell is rapidly freezing over. Your mission is to go and find out exactly why. (Might this have something to do with old Lamkin turning forty in September? What would I wish for?)

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by Lamkin : 09 July 2008 - 04:03 AM

Sounds great. I've downloaded it. I'll play it when I find time. 🙂 You build Skf maps like lightning! Are you on the computer 24/7? :blink:
I'm working on a level that should come out in a couple of months.

🙂 Klublex

I played it through to the end, but the end was to darn sprite intensive, so I had to quit. :mad: :mad:
it had an interesting theme though
good level!


@kasofa1, on Jul 9 2008, 09:11 AM, said in The Flying Pig:

I played it through to the end, but the end was to darn sprite intensive, so I had to quit. :mad: :mad:
it had an interesting theme though
good level!


Kasofa1, I'm glad you liked the level. My computer (as I've mentioned previously) is a slower 700 MHz "snowball" iMac. I found that...even taking out every sprite but the boss... still didn't make the level run smooth enough for me. So, I hope that it's not too "sprite-intensive" for most systems. (Sorry to hear that you weren't able to finish.)

@klublex, on Jul 9 2008, 08:52 AM, said in The Flying Pig:

Sounds great. I've downloaded it. I'll play it when I find time. 🙂 You build Skf maps like lightning! Are you on the computer 24/7? :blink:
I'm working on a level that should come out in a couple of months.
🙂 Klublex

Klublex, I'm currently a student getting my degree in graphic design. So...I have more time and interest than most, perhaps...and, I can "click and drag" fairly quickly.

Alright, I'm bringing in the big guns with this "sprite intensive" issue. If it doesn't run well on my 1.25 GHz G4, it probably won't run well on anything.

@jacabyte, on Jul 9 2008, 11:39 AM, said in The Flying Pig:

Alright, I'm bringing in the big guns with this "sprite intensive" issue. If it doesn't run well on my 1.25 GHz G4, it probably won't run well on anything.

Thank you JacaByte. Here is a (slightly) modified version which even works on my Mac. My goal here is for people to see... and beat...the boss.

Attached File(s)

Well, I just beat the boss with the first version of the map and it's works okay; there's a definite slowdown, but it's not to the point where fighting becomes impossible. Of course, I cheated in order to get to the boss; I found a way to "wiggle" my way through those barriers to get to the boss. It was slow and kinda silly looking, but it's possible to do it. 😄

I liked the Flying Pig very much, especially how the tail moved back and forth and shot out red pellets. 🙂 There was no slow down or anything on my computer, but then again it's pretty new. 🙂

How many turtles and electrodes and angry cuties did you put on there? :blink: I was just about driven nuts going those crowded alleyways! I like how you make common images (like a snowman) out of the limited sketchfighter sprites. Nice level!


@klublex, on Jul 10 2008, 10:22 AM, said in The Flying Pig:

I liked the Flying Pig very much, especially how the tail moved back and forth and shot out red pellets. 🙂 There was no slow down or anything on my computer, but then again it's pretty new. 🙂

How many turtles and electrodes and angry cuties did you put on there? :blink: I was just about driven nuts going those crowded alleyways! I like how you make common images (like a snowman) out of the limited sketchfighter sprites. Nice level!

Thanks for the comments, Klublex. I'm beginning to realize that I may be reasonably good at making a level look a certain way, but placing enemies in any given level is a different story; it's the only part of designing a level that I don't care much for. (Although making the boss for The Flying Pig was cool...I wanted people to laugh.) So, I guess the visual aspect is usually what's most important to me. (That much should be obvious, as I seem to be the only obsessive member who uses a different font in their posts. It's the curse of having a minor in English.)