
My latest level...

This level has many enemies, but there's lots of health and super pellets from the beginning. Let me know what you think...I'll post it here and send one off to Mack.


Attached File(s)

Perhaps this isn't the best place to do this, but I'm providing a link to view a piece of artwork I drew a couple of months ago. (I tried to use the Gallery, but the image was too big, even when compressed.) Let me know what you think...


Both an astounding level and sketch. 🙂 You're quite an accomplished artist Lamkin.

Sketchflower is a very interesting level, Lamkin. I like the idea of the flower pots and and the fact that it's not to hard 🙂 I especially liked the hidden brown pickup stones near the bottom of the flowers. 🙂 It took me a while to find them.


@klublex, on Jul 10 2008, 08:56 AM, said in SketchFlower:

Sketchflower is a very interesting level, Lamkin. I like the idea of the flower pots and and the fact that it's not to hard 🙂 I especially liked the hidden brown pickup stones near the bottom of the flowers. 🙂 It took me a while to find them.


Thanks for your comments, Klublex. The "stones" were supposed to be dead leaves that had fallen off the plant. For my next level, I'm thinking about a quiz/game show level, where if you get a question wrong, you have to fight a boss in order to continue...

@lamkin, on Jul 10 2008, 08:48 AM, said in SketchFlower:

Thanks for your comments, Klublex. The "stones" were supposed to be dead leaves that had fallen off the plant. For my next level, I'm thinking about a quiz/game show level, where if you get a question wrong, you have to fight a boss in order to continue...

Sounds cool, Lamkin. I'm working on a level that I hope to post soon. It is called Iceberg Fortress. 🙂
