Editor Question

I was scanning through Project Multi-Sketch Part 4 in the editor when I noticed that some people did a parent-child link to... nothing! :huh:
I was looking for the Parent Sprite but there was none. How in the world do you do that?

what do you mean, there was nothing there? the sprite was layer 1? it was just like "Thing.Otherthing"? did it have a green line thing attaching it to nothing? :huh:

It had to be linked to something. It's most likely that the sprite was invisible, on a background layer or very small. (or a combination of each)


Out of interest, which sprite was it?

This post has been edited by Silverwind : 29 June 2008 - 03:06 AM

All I can tell for certain is that Klublex must have been very, very bored. (Yes, more bored even than I was while writing this post.)

Hey, I just realized that I had that in the "Show Layers" in the editor was making all Layer 10 Sprites invisible when I was looking through it! Sorry about that! 😊
You're right, is impossible to link it nothing.

hey! no problem!
we all make mistakes sometimes. 🙂


This post has been edited by Kasofa1 : 02 July 2008 - 08:01 PM