Au Revoir

I'll be blunt with you guys: you are boring.

Everyone who was ever interesting has left (JimmyPage, Slug, Sundered Angel, Vegeta, Cotton Mouse, Ambrose, etc.) the boards. I have tried to liven things up with the threads Campfire Story and Gateship attack headquarters , but to no good results.

I'm leaving now, probably never to return, so Bye.

~ ex-Cotton Moose

Actually, I'm just incommunicado for a while.

Hmmmm. That sounds oxymoronic to me...

Anyway, I will be back at the most in two weeks.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy


Originally posted by Cotton Moose:
**I'll be blunt with you guys: you are boring.

Everyone who was ever interesting has left (JimmyPage, Slug, Sundered Angel, Vegeta, Cotton Mouse, Ambrose, etc.) the boards. I have tried to liven things up with the threads Campfire Story and Gateship attack headquarters , but to no good results.

I'm leaving now, probably never to return, so Bye.

~ ex-Cotton Moose**

You're not exactly Mr Excitement. Hopefully things will heat up with the Public release of Hera.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could devise it. We will line all our ships up and fly straight at the enemy death cannons therefore clogging them with wreckage.

(This message has been edited by Laguna (edited 06-28-2000).)

Cotton Moose, I didn't leave the Ares Boards... I only left the EV boards because I was and am still very angry with them. Please don't leave, SA, and I are here (fro the time being), and Slug may be back because of Hera!

"...Cotton Mouse... to say that the plug is royally messed up is an understatement. I'm taking a look at it with Plug Checker, and some of these errors I have just never seen before..."-Obormot, debugger

ERA for EV:

(still in alpha stages)