Blast Off

a concept in search of additional contirbutors

Blast Off ver1.1 Attached File (10.22K)
Number of downloads: 18 this concept piece is meant to be a ride, no weapons or shooting required, add thrust to taste(especially when passing thru auroral zone).

Originally envisioned going by the moon and some of the planets, and then to another galaxy perhaps ending in a black hole...

Needs additional work and ideas from more skilled hands. Feel free to take it over and run with it as far as you want.

Well, it's interesting (not to mention pretty), but it's a pretty limited concept. Perhaps for a transition in a level (I remember Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers on the NES doing something of the sort at some point in the game, between two levels).

Very cool. It is a neat concept. Not really a game, but a cool little video.


huh. Just saw this topic afew hours ago must have missed it. anyway cool idea. I decided i'd try and make my own version heres a picture of the moon and mars Link. let me know what you think.

Interesting. Tiny though. 😉