Stuck at Level 20

I can't seem to get past the last level and would be grateful for some advice. I can destroy the Gateship, using the asteroids, but I have no clue as to how to deal with the 5 Carriers that appear afterwards. I tried sending asteroids at them but they just blow the asteroids up. There are too many of them to take them head on and they have missiles with damn long range. I tried I just fly around aimless and let them follow me in the hope that their power would run out (since they have to warp to keep up). Does anyone have some tactics to get past this level?
thanks in advance.

Just because I spend a
lot of time thinking
doesn't mean that I'm

There are 2 ways to beat the carriers:

1. Lead them at lightspeed through the green asteriods
2. Circle around them firing the Onas Pulse

Yes, the carriers' missiles have a long range but not as long range as your main weapon (onus pulse?). After killing the gateship, turn off zoom-to-closest-hostile and use 1:4 (largest display without using tactical markings)or 1:2 instead. This way you will find it easier not to get surrounded whilst still seeing what you are shooting at.

Fly in a circular motion around the Cantharan fleet shooting at them all the time - the onus pulse uses no energy so do not worry about energy reserves. Should a carrier become seperated from the group concentrate on it. The carrier will be repelled away from you and also cease firing at you. Get too close though and it will panic and release fighters. The fighters themselves are not a problem but colliding with one causes your ship to stop allowing all manner of enemy ordinance to hit you! Just keeping shooting and going around them until they are dead.

Another, more prolonged, way of doing it is to warp up and down the asteroid line. A carrier will be destroyed by a collision with an asteroid. However, at normal (sub-warp) velocities the carriers can (and do) fire upon and destroy the asteroids. This is probably the most amusing way of doing it - especially when they launch fighters in a panic!

What I did to destroy the gateship was just send asteroids at it one by one. One thing that I did was follow the asteroid that I was "piloting" all the way to the gateship. That way I got better accuracy.

As for the carriers, I just let them follow me through the asteroid belt. I carefully moved through the asteroids, and since my ship was more maneuverable than the enemy carriers, they just rammed into them. Another thing I did was to warp in behind an asteroid, putting it between me and the carriers. If I warped in far enough behind the asteroid, the carriers would ram into it.

I hope this helps! Tell me if it does! 🙂


Yep. That is what I did.

Stop whining about Hera! If you keep your posts to a minimum, then the people who are working on Hera will have nothing else to do, and will work more, and it will come out faster! Stop whining!!

Thanks all you guys for the advice. I managed to complete the mission on my own yesterday though. I just kept flying behind asteroids and sending them at the cruisers, all the some of the ideas you guys have suggested are much better!

Just because I spend a
lot of time thinking
doesn't mean that I'm