"Impossible" Blue Switch, Factory

Spoilers in replies.

I am stuck. I cannot figure out for the life of me how to get to this switch. Any ideas?

I've got 9 stars, four colours, 3rd ship and shield, and all four super weapons.

EDIT-Holey moley that was easy. Why didn't i think of that? D'oh!

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This post has been edited by ductapesuperhero : 07 February 2007 - 01:21 PM

It is one of the more cooler puzzels in the game.

This post has been edited by PiSketch : 06 February 2007 - 10:13 PM

Just think about the different methods at your disposal for getting to those 'hard to reach areas' (sheesh, sounds like some kind of dental commercial :rolleyes: )

@-sw--spartan-327, on Feb 6 2007, 11:21 PM, said in "Impossible" Blue Switch, Factory:

Just think about the different methods at your disposal for getting to those 'hard to reach areas' (sheesh, sounds like some kind of dental commercial :rolleyes: )

You have no idea how long i was stuck on this. I'd had


s. pellets

for so long and kept thinking I needed


wave or s. wave

but when I finally got them, of course I couldn't take it out. I must have defeated those tanks/fighters a dozen times.

Bounce the s. pallets on the wall 😉

Where are the Super Pellets..?????

In the Wasteland Racetrack. Go as far north as you can. Requires missles and blue gun.

Oh, and Search is your friend. 🙂