SketchCheater released

Version 1.0

Okay, so as many of you may know, I have been working for a while on getting cheats for SketchFighter ready. As many of you may also know, yesterday I finished work on my save-file editor. With this editor, you can edit the number of missiles, upgrades, position, shields, all sorts of things, and it's free to boot.

So, without further ado: SketchCheater. Enjoy - it's a universal binary too.

Featuring everything you'd expect from a modern utility - speed, ease of use, even automatic version detection. It's, as Steve Jobs would say, insanely great 😉

I'm not the best talker, so I'll let the program speak for itself 🙂

DISCLAIMER: It's not possible to hack multiplayer with this program, and use will disqualify you from the high scores, competitions, and other things of a similar nature.

PS: Thanks to Travis Bauscher for designing the logo.

This post has been edited by fprefect : 20 December 2006 - 09:22 AM
Reason for edit: Disabled hyperlink due to security concerns.

This is awesome. I've already beaten the game, but I didn't get everything I could, so I used this app to go back and get what I missed. Turns out I missed a lot, and this program just made the game even more awesome. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get the full effect of this game and I suspect it might be written into the next update, for players who finish the game.

Good work prophile. Keep it up.

One question: can you place yourself in the EndZone, with max upgrades, then defeat the final boss, and have that score show up on the tracker? That would be bad...



One question: can you place yourself in the EndZone, with max upgrades, then defeat the final boss, and have that score show up on the tracker? That would be bad...


use will disqualify you from the high scores

Very nice, Mister Lynn.

See me in my office.


@miah-helpmann, on Dec 18 2006, 11:01 PM, said in SketchCheater released:

Very nice, Mister Lynn.

See me in my office.


Yes, sir.

This is an excellent product. Many thanks for your hard work on it, prophile. 🙂

Just doing my bit for SketchFighter, Nik. 😉

It IS a sexy logo, huh?
I have finally beaten the second level (and hit the registration limit :()

You see, the problem is that I just can't read. Nevermind. I somehow thought that only applied to multiplayer. Also, Miah! He is alive!


This post has been edited by darwinian : 18 December 2006 - 06:41 PM

I get the worst error message imaginable when I try to run the program.

It has come to our attention that this software may have security issues, and you should be wary about using either version at this time.

This software is in no way endorsed by Ambrosia Software.

And to better stress the point:
Posted Image