I can't play Ares?????

My game stopped working when I just downloaded Mars Rising. I opened Mars Rising and it would not work. So I deleted the game. Then when I opened Ares and went to "Start New Game" It was fine but I could not pick any level. When I pressed ok, It started to load then it says it can not play cause of a 2021 error and that I should contact Ambrosia for a update that fixes it. What the hell do I do.

Gee---dunno. You better call up ambrosiaSW, or e-mail andrew about that error.

He could probably fix that, he fixed everyone else who got that error.

ERA for EV:


ERA for EV:

Send an email to Ambrosia tech support at help@AmbrosiaSW.com They should be able to help you. They always have good tech support. Good luck!

Stop whining about Hera! If you keep your posts to a minimum, then the people who are working on Hera will have nothing else to do, and will work more, and it will come out faster! Stop whining!!

And if all else fails, try the "Help is on the way" board.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Or maybe acutally gasp Downloading Ares 1.1.1