Ares MOD

Hey all,

I am about to make a team of people who would like to make a Ares MOD with me. I can do the scripting, bu tI need 2-4 other people. What my dream is, is to make a Star Wars MOD, but there might be a lot of copywrite issuse to deal with, so that probibly won't happen. But here are the kind of people I need.

1 )I need a good graphics artist, just send me some examples of what you can do.
2) I need someone who canmake me some awsome sounds for engine startups, laser shots, and whatnot.
3) I need someone who is good at thinking up misisons.
4) I want, more than need, another person who can script.

If you can fit any of these descriptions, please e-mail ( an examples along with it for the first two descriptions) me at:

First I was a learner,
But now I am the master

Kyle "Vader" Blessing

So, basicly, you are looking for 4 people to do the project for you but have your name as the lead developer?

"These are my terms, abide by them or drink vacuum."-Tycho

I forgot the resource name, but it's in the ARES SCENARIOS FILE.
Poke around a little, it'll be in hex-format though.

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Admiral za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

What is in the Scenerios file? And don't you need to wait for Hera?

Stop whining about Hera! If you keep your posts to a minimum, then the people who are working on Hera will have nothing else to do, and will work more, and it will come out faster! Stop whining!!

dont you spell copywright, copyright? or is it the other way around, either way you cant spell..... (no offense)

Baku runs around with underwear on his head


Originally posted by Cotton Mouse:
**So, basicly, you are looking for 4 people to do the project for you but have your name as the lead developer?


Not at all, if you noticed I said 4) I want, more than need, ANOTHER person who can script. I am planning on doing the scripting, but if there is someone who is better than me and has good ideas, I welcome him/her.

I can create the sounds and think up scenario ideas ect. if u want some the sounds ect, that i created just mail me:

'No matter how safe you are hidden from the deadliest of enemies, you can never escape yourself ' --Cormach Hafgan