Is Darwinia worth registering?

Flish, on Jul 19 2005, 03:52 PM, said:

I'd like to mention that the Darwinia 1.2 patch is now out. Also, on Darwinia's Website, there's a news item saying that in the next (1.3) patch, they will be adding a feature that will allow you to turn off the gesture system, and use buttons instead.
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Yes, the update solved my frame rate problems and I managed to complete the game. I did restart from scratch as when I used the original game it still had slow frame rates. But the new game maintained a very nice frame rate through to the end. I'm guessing that something in the save file was contributing to the problems.

Now, off to play with the map editor...

ON TOPIC: with the patch, it is totally worth* registering the game!

  • the question here** is not if you like the game or not, or if you like other games more, or if you think darwinia is boring.

** the question is, if you want to spend your money on it BECAUSE you like it - or if the full version is just unplayable and you should keep your money*** to yourself.

*** that was in fact my problem. i registered and paid. and then i could not play**** it because something just made the framerate go below 1 per second.

**** with the patch it is as fantastic and working as i expected it to be when i paid 😉

i played it through and i started some of the mods (they seem to be too hard for me), and i still like the whole feeling of the game.