Virii Bug?

Virii Reproduction

On the containment level I was doing just fine. Then on the last island I would begin launching grenades into the virii and killing them but they just wouldn't all be killed.When my squad got killed i sent another one to kill adn all the virii had come back.

Is it ths flying eggdropper? before it didn't seem to layeggs nearly as fast. Whats happening?

Spore Generators (the big flying jelly-fish looking things) and Spiders are capable of laying eggs. Virii then carry the souls of there fallen bretheren (or of fallen DGs) to the eggs and fertilize them. After a bit, several virii hatch out of the eggs. You will either need to clear out the whole patch of virii with one squad, or go after the spore generator. If you do not kill them off, they will reproduce faster than you can get another squad there.
