If we can't make scenarios, can someone else?

Ares is beginning to get pretty boring :frown: . All of us except the beta team don't have access to Hera so we can't create our own scenarios :frown: :frown: :frown: . Why doesn't someone who DOES have Hera create a couple of good missions for us? That way, some of us could play those levels instead of coming to the board and begging for the Hera codes 🙂 . You could create an "Ares Scenarios" file to replace the old one like Slug did when he created the secret_levels plug.


Be patient, man.
My file was only meant to carry you over.
About a week after Hera is released, I will have finished my plugin Before they Sailed


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Your file may have been good for some, but some of us have learned how to access the levels a LOOONNGGG time ago. I've had the levels for about a half a year and they got old fast. Some weren't even playable against AI's. What we need is a NEW plug. Maybe someone could make scenarios kinda like level 19, but give each person his type of gateship and 3 planets capable of building all ships (and species besides human and ishiman would be nice).

Never argue with a stupid person. They drag you down to their level
and beat you with their experience.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the scenarios that are created with Hera have to be used with the beta version of Ares and so can't be played by the retail version. So, if this is true, then there's no point us making scenarios for you, is there?

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could devise it. We will line all our ships up and fly straight at the enemy death cannons therefore clogging them with wreckage.

Maybe so, but have you tried slug's plug? He created a copy of the Ares Scenarios file. All I had to do was replace my old Ares Scenarios with slug's file. I still had Ares 1.1.1.

Actually, I don't know if slug used Hera to create his file. If he did, I see no reason why other scenarios shouldn't be uploaded. If not, I guess I'll have to go back to whining about the release date of Hera.

Never argue with a stupid person. They drag you down to their level
and beat you with their experience.

You have to use a hexediting program to hack into the Ares Scenarios/Data files in order to make a plug like that. REAL plugs, as in, ones using Hera, only work with the new version of Ares that is designed to use them.

So, somebody who DOESN'T have Hera can make a plug for the current version of Ares just as easily as someone who does. If you need to know what all the tags and numeral doohickeys do, go ahead and look at the development log for Hera on the Ambrosia site - there's a link to the Hera documents there, and there's no harm in everyone learning how Ares files work, so feel free to go there.

Of course, it may be just as easy for non-betatesters, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Don't get your hopes up on that.

On the other hand, feel free to become hysterical and uncontrollable about the release date of Hera - we're on the fabled Last Beta Version, supposedly.


To be honest, I just used RESEDIT. I did NOT use Hera for this one.


Would you like to ride on your own ass?
-Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand

Where can I get Slug's plug?

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

Replicant, did you say your possibly on the LAST beta version of Hera?!? YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHOOOOOOO!!! I MIGHT LIVE TO SEE HERA!!! YES! YES! YES!

Yeah, a finished Hera would be great. We'd finally have something more to do in Ares.

That space was me dreaming. Sorry.


P.S. Bob, are/were you "Bob (Ska Rocks)"? If so, then hello, It's General Sheppo (Punk Rocks) here, and I'm back. PUNK WILL TRIUMPH!!!!!


HMPH!! That "last beta" probably means two or so more months, so until that, we can just play around with ResEdit and change those ship sprites (I used it to replace human gunship sprite with human HVD sprite (like it more))or play around with those "secret" levels that Slug made possible for all of us to play (thanks) although I had tried that Space Race... and the original training level before.

And no one can play any plugin made with Hera without Ares version whatever it will be.

But anyway, good to see some progress 🙂 🙂 🙂

Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my

Hey Punkster, yea I was Bob (Ska rocks!), now I'm iMac Bob. Nice to see ya again. What's your GR name now? Is it Punkster, or is it something different?

Why don't all of you go stop whining and make a Ares plug-in for EVO? Or at least stop whining... I am bored with Ares now, and awaiting Hera, but do you see me whining? I don't think so. And, assuming that the guys working on Hera are keeping up with this board, then if we stop the posts, then they will have more time to work on Hera, and therefore it will come out faster!! Mabe I will just settle for you guys to stop whining...
