Ares Chronicles: Spectre of the Order - 1:3

Captain Hop was spared nary a glance by his leige as the grand black Admiral regarded the report. Two destroyers and a wing of fighters lost at the diversionary battle at Alpha Centauri, six cruisers and a gunship lost in the Battle for Pollux. The neighboring humans, of course, were greatly alarmed at the deceptive and deft Cantharan manouver that had punched through Hollister's fleet, overtaking their only jumpgate junction. The intercepted terran intercommunications had become filled with calls of alarm and shock. Hollister had redistributed his fleet along the newely-dented border so as to make sure the Cantharan advance was halted.
They were held back; trapped nearly; surrounded by UNS guard forces. All element of surprise that could have been used to drive deep into human space had been lost capturing Pollux. The humans had learned, and had made it impossible for any further Cantharan advance to execute without major casualties; casualties that Hollister knew the Cantharan Navy could not afford. There was no logic in the Cantharans' move whatsoever. Pollux seemed an utterly useless asset to the Order now. Not so to the Admiral.

"Of course, the humans will attempt a counterattack." Captain Hop postulated before the Admiral with a slight hint of concern.
"That is to be expected, my good Captain. By the time they hazard the courage to do so, we will be far, far from here."
"And of the human fleet amassing near Sol?"
"They will be too late to catch us."
"I am pleased to report that phase one of the operation is complete."
"Excellent. Move the fleet to Pollux."

* * * * *

This is an automated distress call from the ISN Science Vessel: ISN 4040685
Today at 07:30 Ishima time, the 4040685 was attacked and borded by unidentified forces. The crew are dead, core systems have a 98.76559% cnace of suffering total faliure within the next twelve hours.
Any who are to attempt salvage/rescue of the 4040685 are strongly cautioned under Ishiman Military Code 7059-B, subsection 4.


I can't believe how much some of that was like Timothy Zahn's 'Heir to the Empire'. The only good bit, was the audemed thing, but this was stuffed by the unbelievable way it was set out. 'Ahh yes, repeat a message 400 times then revolt against the Salrilians.'

If you feel insulted about my post Andros (or however you really are) then don't feel veangeful. I've just had my karma dropped for that. I wouldn't mind seeing your chronicles any other day, but the idea that it was getting in the way of htjyang annoyed me.

And again, sorry.

Isn't anyone going to post a new chronicle?