Midgard Saga(prt.1)

Nova Story

This story(my first ever) is going to be somewhat like something you'd see on TV, and is written and narrated as such. I am presenting it in segments and I will try to do as many as possible thruoghout this month. Enjoy!

September 26, 1178 NC

My name is Guardious Sagittarius, and I am captain of the Midgard. This is possibly my last log entry, for I fear that I might die in the coming battle at Sol, and I wish to tell the story of my life and mission among the stars. I'll start with my story about 2 decades ago in a docking bay at Spacedock IV with my ship

"Mother of Jonas! The PD blaster control conduits goes to THIS port! Not to the weapons con!" Chief Engineer Daniels had been yelling at ensign Jonas Martinez for over an hour about the placement of certain parts in the engineering section. "Cut the kid some slack, Chief. It's his first day on my ship and he's just nineteen years old."
We always called Chief "Daniels", he never told me his real name even after the long time he was with me. He told me it had to do something about a nasty group of pirates he met on Viking while he was a bartender there. He told me the story about how the pirates swore they'd kill him after he killed six of them in a huge fight. One of the pirates (who was drunk) said the beer here sucks and threw the mug of brandy in his general direction. After he told the guy to leave, the pirate swore him off, pulled a big ol' blaster out of his out of his coat and shot one of the waitresses who was Chief's wife, who was working overtime. Chief fell down on his knees, cried out bloody murder, pulled out a medium handheld blaster he kept a compartment under the floor, and proceeded to wreck havoc on the stunned pirates. A large number of them ran out of the bar with blaster fire trailing them. After the firefight was over, a number of stunned patrons watched Chief walk over the corpses of the pirates to his fallen wife. Exactly half an hour later, Federation police had finally gotten to the bar and were shocked to see it full of smoking holes in the wall and a broken bartender still crying over the burnt remains of his wife. Chief didn't have a ship or the skills to go after the pirates, but he vowed revenge and and searched for a pilot willing to help him with his dilema. We found each other (I heard about him on the holo-vid, and he heard about me from the wanted posters they put up around and in his bar) about a week of searching, and after I added him to the crew of my ship I found he was quite an apt engineer before the ship he was serving on was decomissoned and forced the crew to find new jobs. I've had him on my ship for about six years before he picked up ensign Jonas on the U.S.S. Ohio while we were boarding it (that's another story I'll get to later on). After that, we needed a refit so we went to Spacedock IV. Now, back to my story.
"Sorry Cap'n." Chief responded with a sigh, and something that sounded like an answer in the affimative. "Yeah, listen to the captain. After all, this IS my first time on a Modified Class E Starbridge." "All right then. Are you all ready to go?" I asked. Jonas muttered something about him not being ready because he was missing the pretty waitress who was Chief's daughter with him in the bar. Chief introduced her to Jonas (she already knew about me) and they quickly found a liking for each other. "All right then, but we need to go before the captain of the Ohio sobers up and those techs tell him we're in Docking Bay 12." (A bunch of grimy technicians were eyeballing my ship while Chief was working on the engines he had heavily tweaked, so Chief told them to get the hell away before he lost it and blew their heads off. The went to tell the captain when he's sober.) "Sorry about pulling you out of the bar, Jonas."I said "I'll let you tell her that you'll be back in about a week or two." Jonas responded with his little dance of joy, and ran out of the ship to the bar. "Ah, young love." I said. We reacted to this with our usual side-splitting laughter. All laughter stopped when the captain of the Ohio walked into the docking bay with about three dozen armed guards. " Seal off the exits! You're not getting out of here alive, Guardious! And neither is that SOB you call a Chief Engineer! " At this, Chief turned said "Jesus Can we do anything?" I responded with smile and wit. "How fortunate it is that he is standing but ten feet from our engines." Chief laghed out loud and I said "You start the afterburners, and I'll get us out of here. He's probably alerted the military, so after I blow a hole in the station to fly out of it, we're probably going to be shot at by a pack of destroyers. I'll have to do some fancy flying to avoid being shot at." I paused then said "Too bad Jonas isn't here to see the action. Fire up the engines Chief. It's gonna be one helluva bumpy ride."