Road to Honor

A story

This story originally started out as a story off of the EV Nova universe. I decided that this idea was large enough that I could expand it further by the time the first chapter was over. The portion I'm gonna give you is not even the first chapter. I'm gonna try to update it every so often, but I probably won't think its worth it if I don't get enough feedback. Who knows? Anyway, I'll try to expand it more and more, but im pretty busy. Anyway, expect an update every few days for now. Tell me what you think
The hunters walked across the grassy hills quietly. Below them was a large herd of Mammoth. These giant beasts was the most powerful animal in the valley. So much so that the most common brand in the valley was of a Mammoth. The giant beasts could provided food, clothing, and valuable ivory for the clan. The Leader had always felt somewhat akin to these strange animals, even though he hunted them. After a moment of silence, the Leader nodded.
Carefully, they each drew two spears from the weapon bearer’s sheath. For a moment, they appeared the most elite of the Valley. Such men knew that they could well choose the wrong mammoth. Such a move would be consequential, because they would be risking their lives. The giants were often times more powerful than anything else the warriors could even imagine. If one died in fighting it, the food from the mammoth would be quite symbollic as they would be eating the last fruits of the fallen comrade. In a quite real sense, the warriors were risking their lives every time they picked up a spear.
The leader signaled for them to follow as they walked down a path. Silently, they shuffled down the path, and their anxiousness was reflected in their speed. The thrill of a battle was coming along them, and no longer were they silently shuffling, but noiselessly running. They panted, preparing themselves mentally and physically for the next biggest challenge of their lives. They stopped at the bottom, as they all bent over, in a last moment of preparation.
The Leader signaled for them to follow, as they did. They carefully moved towards the back of the herd, where one of the mighty animals were grazing. The Leader nodded, and the command was taken by each of the men. They raised their hands above their heads, without saying a word. The metallic rods glinting in the sun, the mammoth turned its head unexpectedly before they threw.
The mighty mammoth turn was just in time for three spears to land in his head. Mad with rage, it charged. The assembly split, and surrounded the beast. Surrounded, the pannicking animal tried to escape, but the circle was closing in. It turned around and around, but could not escape. The Leader drew a breath. Things looked good. He raised his second spear, aiming carefully. Then he jolted it with the speed of the sun’s rays.
The spear stayed true to its course, and it hit the left ankle, piercing the skin inbetween the tendon and the bone. The giant animal yelled a cry of pain. It turned with the eye of fury toward the attacker, who smiled. Within thirty seconds, more spears were thrown into the giant animal. The pain of the beast could not have been greater, and its last move was to swing its mighty trunk towards the leader.
The force of the gigantic whip would break the man’s back. Such a dilemna would scare any man, but he had been faced with it many times. He moved with the speed and precision of a tiger, not even stopping to take a breath. He ducked, and crawled fastly to his right, then rolled over several times on his back, before popping back up on his feet.
The men had done this many times before, and as they had hundreds of times before. Each man pulled on the two strings that were attached to his spears, and pulled the spears out. Such a technique usually worked, and the animal collapsed onto its knees, before falling to its left side. The leader grinned. That mechanism was invented in his time. The spear heads were attached to the strings, which were stringed through the spears, so when one yanked hard on the strings, the spearhead would go into the body of the spear, and would take the spear with it out of the animal.
The spears of the warriors were cleaned with the hunting rags that every man carried with him. The Leader looked around, his men were carefully working. They made him proud. The bent spears were collected, but they had lost few spears in that attack, only five. One of them was the one in the tendon. Another was lodged in a bone, the others were not yanked at all. The metal smith would be able to use them to forge new spears. Like always they left a spear sticking out of the eye. The neighboring tribes would not dare to enter their territory or touch the elephant, as their tribe was the most powerful clan on that side of the hill. The leader smiled. His people would have food for three more days easily.
What does this have to do with sci-fi? You'll just have to keep checking up on it.

I liked it. My only complaint is that there isn't enough imagery about the terrain. There was great description about the characters, but very little about their surroundings.

Question: Why don't they have guns?