Where can i find resedit?

Where can i find resedit?


What?!? Where?!? ResEdit is one of the Mac basic programs and either you have trashed it or lost it somewhere within other stuff (use Find if that has happened). Otherwise I am not sure, so check I-Net :rolleyes:

Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my

Search for ResEdit on apple's website. That's how I got the latest version.

Do you go to the country?
It isn't very far.
There's people there who will hurt you
because of who you are.

-Coffee and TV

i found my version of resedit up my ass.......

Baku runs around with underwear on his head

Goos one guys. STOP TEASING HIM!!! Okay go to your local italian gelato store and ask for a double resedit okay... you guys are slack!!

"How can i make it go faster"? -Me-