EV/EVO Chronicles: The Chronology of the Voinian Empire- Part 2

2,450 B.V.C.- The first live animal is sent in a Hypereum equipped probe. It survives, and is rescued alive. It is found, however, that while it stayed an hour in Hypereum Space, its body only aged a small number of seconds.

2,449 B.V.C.- A Voinian, Langk Monglek, went into Hyper Space, as it was now named, heading towards the star Mihal. He went away for a full day, but only thought he was gone for a few seconds. He reported that he saw a planet near the star where he came out.

2,300 B.V.C.- The first Voinian Colony was founded, and the planet was named “Monglek” after the Voinian who discovered it.

2,259 B.V.C.- The first Hypereum plant is founded on Mihal.

2,250 B.V.C.- A safe route to the Svass system is found, and it is found that the many asteroids there have Hypereum in some quantity.

2,247 B.V.C.- As there are no planets in the Svass system, and the Hypereum is to valuable a resource to leave alone, a small mining station starts to be built.

2,204 B.V.C.- The mining station is completed. Hundreds of tons of Hypereum are being mined per month, saving millions of Credits that can be used to build more ships.

2,200 B.V.C.- The first Supply Ship is finished. One can carry almost the whole Hypereum supply that the Mining station in Svass can produce in a month. The Imperial Library starts being built. It will hold plans to the best technologies and newest theories.

2,150 B.V.C.- The Imperial Library is completed.

2,200-2,100 B.V.C. Peace reigns throughout the Voinian systems. Great leaps in technology. Hypereum can now be produced much more cheaply. Irid, and a race living there, are found. It is colonized, and the Irids willingly join the Voinian empire.

2,100 B.V.C.- The Voinians are invaded by a race known as the J’ting. Millions were killed. The Voinians develop the Frigate, the Heavy Fighter, Neutron Weaponry, and Rockets, but they don’t help enough to stop them from being conquered.

2,095 B.V.C. The J’ting take Voina, and destroy the Imperial Library, and hide the files there in a secret location.

2,083-1,600 B.V.C.- “The Middle Times”. The J’ting worked the Voinians hard, and broke their bodies, but not their spirits. Somehow, the J’ting didn’t find the Svass system, and it became the center of resistance. Many Frigates, and Fighters were produced there.

I do like it a lot.


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2 thumbs up. 🙂

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