EV/EVO Chronicles: Nova - Second Federation Preamble - by Frandall

(Posted 4-18-2000)


Minutes from the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bureau of Internal Investigation on 1 January 1177 NC


Meeting brought to order at 1515
All present. No apologies.


Reading of the minutes of the last meeting


The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted as being both correct and accurate by unanimous vote.


Business carried forward from last meeting


Military Department Director's report on arrangements of Auroran provocation
(This document is appended to these minutes as Appendix A )

Arrangements for provoking the Auroran forces into a confrontation with the military organisation known as 'Raczak's Roughnecks' (thereby allowing a counter invasion into Auroran space) are proceeding apace.


Commerce Department Director's report on support measures for Military Department
(This document is appended to these minutes as Appendix B )

The report stated that the Commerce Department has been identifying and approaching likely free merchants and their organisations regards shipping of military goods. Hopefully these people will continue to be sympathetic to aiding the military in their efforts against the 'increased Auroran harassment' of our border stations. This should confuse any Auroran military intelligence, and should keep their knowledge of our operation to a minimum.


Media Department Director's report containing all likely scenarios for invasion
(This document is appended to these minutes as Appendix C )

Most likely scenarios agreed upon:

Ľ 'Auroran Savages Go Too Far' - Initial tabloid-type reports
Ľ 'Have They Gone Too Far?' - Intellectual reporting on the actions of Auroran warriors
Ľ 'Diplomacy Fails, Millions Die' - Factual reporting of Auroran Invasion
Ľ 'Aurorans: Are They Too Destructive?' - Editorial about Auroran warrior class
Ľ 'Empires: A Throwback?' - Expert debate about the nature of Imperial ambitions


Secretary/Chairwoman's Report


Confirmation of dates for the next meeting

The date of the next meeting is confirmed as 15 January 1177 NC. Attendance is compulsory.


Remarks on the three submitted reports

All three reports show that plans for the upcoming operation are proceeding smoothly, but members are reminded that there is still much to be done and that failure is not an acceptable option. The Chairwoman would like to point out that the completion of the Auroran operation does not equate to a completion of our set goal of unifying all Known Space under the banner of the Federation. Even if the Auroran operation succeeds, there is still the 'Guild of Free Traders' (read: pirates) to our North, the shattered remains of what was Vell-os space to our West and the Polaris to be dealt with. The Chairwoman directs the Military and Commerce Department Heads to report back to the next meeting on the status of the Auroran operation.


Treasurer's Report
(This document is appended to these minutes as Appendix D )


Report on current Finances of the Bureau

The economic slump of last year has been weathered and the treasury of the bureau was 1.2 billion credits in surplus last quarter, and projections for the next four quarters indicate further growth. These projections include the increased costs of using civilians in addition to our normal supply and logistics costs for the Auroran operation.


Suggestion on possible avenues of further economic expansion

Possible future Income Earners, with their projected value to the Bureau:
Ľ Donations to support the war effort (22 billion)
Ľ 0.5% increase in basic tax to support Federation population expansion (155 billion)
Ľ Interest on Terraforming Costs, paid by settlers (20 billion per world)
- This will also encourage exploration
Ľ Adding Auroran population to our tax base ( 800 trillion )


New Business


Coordinating timings for the Auroran operation

The timings for the Auroran Operation depend upon the supply state of the military, and the best estimate of when we will be capable of initiating the operation is somewhere in the order of 15 months. The Commerce Department is directed to spare no effort in assisting the military in its buildup of war stocks.


Discussion of possible future allocation of resources gained from Auroran operation

It is generally agreed that all Auroran resources will be allocated according to departments as if they were all Federation in origin, as they will be after the Auroran operation. Any doubtful cases will be brought before the board and decided upon.


Chairwoman's concerns about Polaris intelligence

It has come to the attention of the Chairman that one of the Polaris castes is trained to infiltrate other civilisations and act as spies. At least one of these 'Mu'hari' has been detected, but efforts to capture the individual have failed thus far. It is quite likely that there are a great number of these Mu'hari working amongst us, and they may have even infiltrated the Bureau. All department heads, as well as watching those areas that fall under their purview, are directed to keep close tabs on their own personnel and to cooperate without exception with the investigations of the Department of Internal Security. The Director of Internal Security will report back to the next meeting concerning the arrangements of his department concerning the Mu'hari threat.


Chairwoman's concerns on Auroran integration

The Chairwoman is of the opinion that the integration of Auroran society seemlessly into the fabric of the Federation is an impossible dream. However, she does wish that all departments of the bureau influence those it is their duty to watch over by any means necessary to make the transition of Auroran rule as smooth as possible. The sooner we have absolute control of Auroran space, the sooner we can look to any future ventures. All department heads are to submit reports in six months time concerning what arrangements can be made to make the Auroran takeover easier.


Non-Agenda Items


None brought forward


Meeting declared finished at 1645.

(This message has been edited by Jude (edited 04-18-2000).)

Was it Alan asking about how wholesome the Federation is? Maybe this preamble answers your question... -evil grin-


The Feds ~suck~. I hate them. Polaris forever!!

(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")Visit the Official EVO Chronicles!(/url)


Originally posted by pipeline:
The Feds ~suck~. I hate them.

Yet you designed them tu es fou!

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Confucious say; "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."


Originally posted by Andrew M:
**Yet you designed them tu es fou!

No he didn't, I did, and I love them! -evil grin-

Mind you, I also designed the Polaris...

go figure...



Originally posted by Frandall:
**No he didn't, I did, and I love them! -evil grin-

Mind you, I also designed the Polaris...

go figure...**

I meant 'you' as in ATMOS. 😛

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Confucious say; "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."


Originally posted by Frandall:
**Was it Alan asking about how wholesome the Federation is? Maybe this preamble answers your question... -evil grin-

Yep and yep jolly good.



Originally posted by Andrew M:
**I meant 'you' as in ATMOS.:p

Oh well in that case I apologise and utter a complete retraction! Or am I completing an utter retraction? Or retracting a complete utterance? Or am I completing a retractive utterance? Or retracting an utter completion?

Uh... I take it all back?



Originally posted by Frandall:
**Oh well in that case I apologise and utter a complete retraction! Or am I completing an utter retraction? Or retracting a complete utterance? Or am I completing a retractive utterance? Or retracting an utter completion?

Uh... I take it all back?

That retraction is completely an utterance stating that you utter completely that you completely retract that utterance. 😛


"Scorpion petting zoo-
Innovative concepts in exposing city kids to nature."
-Gary Larson

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

(This message has been edited by ShadeOfBlue (edited 04-20-2000).)


Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**That retraction is completely an utterance stating that you utter completely that you completely retract that utterance.:p

You're strange... (j/k)

...but thanks for reading the preamble...



Originally posted by Frandall:
**You're strange... (j/k)

...but thanks for reading the preamble...

I read them all. 🙂 I just don't reply a whole lot.


"Scorpion petting zoo-
Innovative concepts in exposing city kids to nature."
-Gary Larson

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

'Raczak's Roughnecks' was a brigade in Robert Heinlen's "Starship Troopers." Is EV: Nova going to follow in that books footsteaps, or in lack of a good name, did you just steal it?

Hmm, are the Feds based on a certain United States?

i am sure this one is really froody, too. but it is only later now, and i am very tired, maybe i will read it tomorrow. keep up the good work.
S. Claus

And so the problem remained; lots of people were mean, and most of them were miserable, even the ones with digital watches. Many were increasingly of the opinion that they had all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that the trees had been a bad move and that no one should ever have left the oceans.


Originally posted by pipeline:
**(Posted 4-18-2000)
Ľ Adding Auroran population to our tax base (800 trillion)

This provoked an ironic laugh from me. Greedy!

Capatilism- You can't get ahead without stepping on people. In fact, it's pretty hard to stay in the same place without stepping on a few people.

United Planets = United States
Auroran Operation = Mex-Am war


"Religion and government will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together." (James Madison)
"Religion is fundamentally opposed to everything I hold in veneration -- courage, clear thinking, honesty, fairness, and above all, love of the truth" (H.L. Menken).
"The Government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." (John Adams).

the Feds are cool. They seem to be exactly like the United States. Well, almost... 😉

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser
Delta Force website is (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/games2/DeltaForceEVO")http://www.angelfire...2/DeltaForceEVO(/url)

Nice preambles. I wonder if there are sects in the Federation that allow you to thwart the vicious plans of the BII... Neutral to Auroran space but decidedly hostile to the BII and seeking to prove that they are engineering a war... but this is just me. Either way, I'll stick to playing the Aurorans or the Vell-Os...

Hey, I don't want to play Darth Helmet. Being someone from a Protoss-esque race or gifted psionics, on the other hand...

