EV/EVO Chronicles: Zero Moment: Part Four (EV)

"Lieutenant Frost," said Commander
Lyda Cottrell, "distance from target vessel."

very nicely done. Can't wait to read more.


He does it yet again, folks. Congrats on your story Phil.


Thanks, guys, very much. I'm almost finished with part 5, which was fairly hard to write. But we're past the difficult stretch, and the rest—two more installments, maybe—should be quick sledding. Secrets are revealed, tough choices are made, and some folks don't make it home. It's gonna be a blast. 🙂

not drowning, waving

Great story (as usual), PlanetPhil. Can't wait for another installment.

Hmm.. Whichever story gets posted next will be the 100th.

" There's no time to discriminate. Hate every mother****er that's in your way. " - Rev. Marilyn Manson

On a side note, this is one of the few stories that I have seen that actually gives detail to the government and shows that not all Confederation officers are corrupt. It seems that this is about bloody time. Out of all the things I've seen the confederation not being all out thugs nad intergalatic conquerers is the plugs Pale and Eye of Orion.
