EV/EVO Chronicles: Ode to Space Bombs

(Posted on 09-20-2000)

Space Bombs, O Space Bombs,
thine insignificant mass
and thine glorious
firepower contribute to
thine everlasting
usefulness, hence I praise Thee
O Space Bombs of mine.


(Its even written in lines of 5 and 7!)


(This message has been edited by moderator (edited 09-20-2000).)

Nice...although I personally don't like space bombs or space mines or whatever they're called. Great poetry, nevertheless.

I can't think of anything to write here.

pretty cool, Yoda. I've never really been a fan of EV poetry, not even mburch's EV Haikus...

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.

hmmm...very interesting it is, yes? hehhehheh...

If you are using the screen name Yoda, shouldn't you at least try and talk like him?
Nice poetry, btw.

better dead than confed!