EV/EVO Chronicles: Zero Moment: Part One (EV)

(Posted on 10-05-2000)

She always thought of it as morning, that moment when a sun
cleared the crest of a world. Lyda Cottrell sipped her spiced
neo-kava and watched through the wide curved window of the officers'
club. A pale sliver of light against the horizon became a yellow
crescent as it emerged from behind the planet Levo. Mountainous
islands cast shadows across the sea, and oceans became lit with
gold fire. The sight of a starbreak never failed to engage Cottrell,
even though experiencing morning at eighteen-hundred hours always
wreaked havoc with one's internal clock--one of the unavoidable
hazards of living the shipboard life.

Nice story! When is the next part coming?

I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.

Thank yew! (There's that phonics thing again.) I am halfway through part two now and hope to deliver it to Jude in a week. Then I guess about a month before it's posted, depending on how many other stories are in the pipeline.


if you lived here, you'd be home by now


Harry Rules!

Why is phonics not spelled the way it sounds?


Cool story, PlanetPhil.

Whoa, two .sigs about "phonics."

AIM - Skyblade500
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