T-Bolt Rod Problem

I was playing "Between a Rock and a Rock" with another person through appletalk. We were playing Sal vs. Sal. I got myself a carrier. I went over to my opponents planet, but he was not there (That's not the wierd part, of course he could easily go to somewhere else on the map). Anyway, while I was gaurding my opponents planet, I decided to fire the T-Bolt Rod to see if there was a cloaked ship nearby. Then the beams went flying from my ship to my planet, where my opponent was waiting. It was kinda fun to pick out my opponent's ships from the other side of the map 8-). It never happened before, but it has been occuring a lot lately. Is this a bug? Someone once asked me if I had the Hera Hacker. What is Hera?


Hera is an editor of ships, civilisation and net Maps. Like EVEDIT. It is on beta(testing). I don't realy know if he can mudify a race!!


I believe Nathan also said that it hasnt been decided how ares will handle hera's scenarios, so you'll prob need a later version of ares (2, maybe?) to use it anyhow. As for modifying a race, i doubt it would work one-way only even if hera allows it.

68k macs rule!

Using a file made by Hera to modify the game will crash the game the instant it begins unless both players have loaded that file. This is a bug, not a hack.


Hi, Banana64, I believe I was your opponent. Interesting how we both posted about this. 🙂

An update: that never happened to me again after our encounter. That was screwy...but now I have reservations about playing you again. 🙂

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"
-Dr. Strangelove
Will Oram

The same thing happened to me once, only it was a Audemedon (sp?) beam. One of his computer carriers just started shooting his beam at me from near one of the bunkers in between a rock and a rock, while I was at my planet.


For him to have mofified his race so this could happen:
A) He would've needed Hera
🆒 He would've need the newest beta of Ares
C) You would've needed the newest beta of Ares
D) You both would've had to have the level file he modified
E) You both would've had to drag the level file he midified onto your betas of Ares
F) Then you'd play (With his modifications)

Think Different.

-Admiral Dennis

Wow, there are all these new people on the board, haven't been there for a while. I only know 3 people in this thread.


Where can I get a copy of "Hera"? I checked on the upcoming section, but the beta was closed. I searched "arescentral.com", but didn't find anything except a link to a blank page.

Even if u were to be told where it is...ambrosia encrypts their beta files, so its not worth the effort to say.

68k macs rule!