Level 20 help

How the hell do ya get past those damm ships after you destroy the gate ship?
Are you sopsed to wait for reinforcments or something? :mad:


You can try to battle them near the asteroids. That way, some may collide and be destroyed. The Onas Pulse Gun has reasonably long range. You can simply orbit the enemy ships at long range and fire since there is no energy drain. It's actually quite easy once you get the hang of it. Just don't bump into any clocked ships or fighters or you're a sitting duck.

OK heres a better way,

Go wait in the astroid belt,

when the jump over there zoom out about half way so u can see upcoming astroids and the carriers

next, jump in to light speed and weeve in and out of the astriods.

the carriers follow ur same path except they run into the astroids

you can destroy almost all of them...

then u should be able to shoot up the rest


have fun


OK heres a better way,

Go wait in the astroid belt,

when they jump over there zoom out about half way so u can see upcoming astroids and the carriers

next, jump in to light speed and weeve in and out of the astriods.

the carriers follow ur same path except they run into the astroids

you can destroy almost all of them...

then u should be able to shoot up the rest


have fun
