Need major nodes help

I can't get my map nodes to work! The first and second levels work fine, but not the third, so I can't test it as part of the whole set. I've read the FAQ and seen other topics, but that doesn't help. I've also tried to delete the Mmap resource in ResEdit and have MASCOT 'build' its own node system for me, but that still didn't work. Is anyone willing to take a look at my levels? They're available at: (url="http://"")http://us.geocities..../downloads.html (download section of my website):// of my website):// of my website)(/url)

Any other suggestions to help my poor self?
(EDIT)edited to fix link again(/edit)
Visit The Search for Lezaref Website at (url="http://"")

(This message has been edited by PCheese (edited 07-20-2001).) in progress...

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

Your mistakes are...:

1. You don't have your nodes back linked...meaning the "next" node is not linked to the "last" node. This prevents backwards travel and returning to previous levels. This can be useful for a "forced loop" idea but is bad if the entire world is like that.

2. On your first level's node, the kind of link is set to "1". I am unaware as to what this does. My map works fine will all kinds set to zero.

3. In your second level, your level exit has info (0) set to 3. This teleports the player to the level indicated in the node's info (3) which is nothing. Solutions to this are A) set node #2's info (3) to "3" OR set your level exit's info (0) to "0".

4. In your third level, your level exit has info (0) set to 4. The only valid imputs for a level exit are -1,0,1,2,3

What you did on points #3 and 4 was assume that the level exit's info corresponds to the node numbers. All the level exit does is select which of the node's transport paths to send Ferazel on. You do your choosing in the node edit. If that was not the case, a level could connect to more than four others.
If that's confusing, this is what you would do to start from scratch....

Build your levels and make sure the level exit info's are set up in a "standardized" manner. This means you will not have to go back later to look at each...Use this if it helps:

(for a level exit info (0) 🙂

-1: Leaving through the enterance or a "failure" exit
0: Usually unused. This takes Ferazel backwards.
1: The standard exit of the level
2: A secret or secondary exit
3: Mucho secret

This means that the exit behind the start point will be -1 and the one at the end is 1. Any other exits, just number 2 and 3. If for some odd reason you wish Ferazel to go backwards, make that a 0

Now assemble your nodes on the world map. First, place all the nodes before linking them. Now, open each node and use this key type thing again...

Info field.....what level to put in this field

(0)---The level before this one
(1)---The level after this one
(2)---A secret or secondary level after this one
(3)---Mucho secret level after this one

If you use both of those keys correctly, all of your nodes will be back-linked allowing two lane travel. All of your levels will advance correctly as well.

Be advised that if you use one of my keys without using the other, your node system will be screwed up. Once you use it enough, you should be able to memorize it and work fluently in the world map section of your game.

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

(This message has been edited by Dr Tall (edited 07-20-2001).)

If you want me too, I could send you a section of my world map. (Sending you the whole thing would be overkill for an example)

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**If you want me too, I could send you a section of my world map. (Sending you the whole thing would be overkill for an example)


You don't have to (yet). I think you've fixed my problem.

Off I go to fix the nodes!

Visit The Search for Lezaref Website at (url="http://"")

: :Dr Tall tosses a dart "PCCheese" onto the wall::

Sigh...another saved.

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

(quote)Originally posted by Dr Tall:

Visit The Search for Lezaref Website at (url="http://"")