I didn't think when i posted this messge.

funny! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

chapter :The mothership connection
modified cruiser: Hi Gate ship!
Gate ship: wazzup?
modified cruiser: nothin'
Gate Ship: why don't you use hide thing that displays this message :
"bla bla bla Smiles or puts on a smile" so I cant see u???
modified cruiser: good idea
bla bla puts on a happy face
Gate ship: look in a Thesaurus and look at the word happy : GAY!!!!
modified cruiser: are u a sexy chick?
Gate ship: yes why do you ask?
modified cruiser: and you where talking about gay...
gate ship: let's just attack each other
modified cruiser: SO BE IT!!!!!
gate ship: Where the HELL are u?
modified cruiser: busy killing yo shields...
after 2 min
modified cruiser: let me give u a Blue name so I can see enemy shied....
modified cruiser: NOT MUCH POWER.
gate ship: I'm not gates ship or bill gate ship.van u leave me alone and you could be zigzagging an hour by these big rocks....
modified cruiser: U-G-L-Y you don't have no alibi, YO UGLY!!!!
gate ship: stupid ambrosia: I HATE THIS JOB!!!!!!
modified cruiser: bye bye gate ship!
bam bam bam
modified cruiser got cough in the chain reaction and his cruiser blew up.
there where the two in space arguing!
gate ship: FAG!
modified cruiser : shut yo pot hole
gate ship: Yo Mama
after 5 seconds they both blew up because when u get blown up zoom in and then you are going to see a human.
you failed to save earth. why don't you start over?

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(This message has been edited by petervoksa (edited 03-25-2000).)