Xsw fy wnjvljjnfs/end of discussion

this is the last post i am going do write on this subject (though i can´t promise that i will manage to keep quiet if there are any more posts deleted or threads closed/deleted for no reason), you can either have everybody have a last word here, or close it immediatly.
i want to end all this by saying that i am really shocked about the way things have been dealt with here in the last weeks. i thought things like this wouldn´t exist anymore, or at least not in free countries. so at least it was an interesting experience - would have been very interesting for a historystudent or a psychologist (at some points even more a psychiatrist). so even if all this really upset me more than it should have i am glad that i saw how things like this can develop. it gave me an idea of reasons for some of the things you see on the news every day.

anyway. the last thing about tournaments i want to say is, that i will keep away from boycotts in future as well as i did in the past, but i will not play in any tournaments, no matter who is hosting them, that are based on "tragedies" like the one i saw here. and i will not play tournaments whos host obviously very much dislikes me (or/ and most of the players) and does not treat me/them with any respect whatsoever (giving me karma-slaps for mentioning something he doesn´t like, ignoring my ideas, ignoring my VERY polite questions and attempts to bring peace back to pop-pop etc etc).
it just would not be fun for me to post results to someone who doesn´t like me. i hope everybody can understand that. it is not a boycott, and it is not to provoke anybody. i hope many of you will play. and i hope you will have a great time. i just can´t (have fun with this) anymore.
see you in the lounge
