permanent tournament :: ranking system

(I know number already posted a thread suggesting something like this, but I wasn't sure if he'd appreciate me hijacking it with my (i)own(/i) ideas about organization!)

Because we have people playing all over the world, it's hard to get folks together for a traditional tournament. Also, people are naturally curious (well, I am...) to know how they stand in the pop-pop world, in terms of ability. So I propose instituting a permanent tournament, which would provide a sort of ranking system; and which I'd be happy to run. I'm open to suggestions, but I envision it working something like this:

For the first phase, folks would email me to join and then send me a list of all the games they win, after the official launch of the system. You'd get one point for every win against anyone--not only people participating in the system--which would let us get an initial sense of where people stand.

The second phase would add a new refinement: two points instead of one for beating someone more than x number of spots above you on the rankings (x to be determined; it could also be variable based on the difference in rankings). This should let better players with less time to play at least keep up with folks with more free time.

In the third phase we'd close the system, only awarding points for games against ranked opponents. We'd also institute negative points for losses; I'm not sure how the numbers would work out, but the goal'd be to center the distribution of people around zero so future participants would have a fair shot at getting to the top, if they're good enough.

So that's the idea. Obviously there are refinements that could be made--I only just came up with the thing this morning. But it's advantages, as I see it, are that it gives us a ranking system that's relatively easy to administrate, doesn't require the reporting of losses, and lets people advance or sink on their own merits, without giving too much weight to fluke losses by good players. Of course, it also may reward people who play alot more than they deserve... but at this point that may be the best thing for the game!

So tell me what you think. And if it all sounds good to you and you want to get in, send an email with yr pop handle and IM name (if any) to, and I'll start settin up a website.

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Originally posted by Danny:
-- snip --

We may try to implement a ranking system later. It is a lot of work to try and keep up on everything. I am going to try and host a tournament this mid-week on my days off. Number279 and myself have already implemented many request my people. Have faith, and look for another tournament topic coming this week. (Tomorrow probably.)

Here is the official pop-pop tournament web page: (url="http://"")

I am keeping track of winners ect..

With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. (url="http://"")anklebiter's web cam(/url) (url="http://"") 1000th post (/url)


Originally posted by anklebiter:
Here is the official pop-pop tournament web page:

Gah, there already is a perfectly good tournament page, and it's (url="http://"")here(/url). And my proposal is for something entirely independant of the organized, let's-all-get-together tournament, so those folks who can't make it at the prescribed times (like those in Asia and Oz) can see how they stand in the pop-pop world.


Originally posted by Danny:
Gah, there already is a perfectly good tournament page, and it's here. And my proposal is for something entirely independant of the organized, let's-all-get-together tournament, so those folks who can't make it at the prescribed times (like those in Asia and Oz) can see how they stand in the pop-pop world.

The only thing I just don't want is to split up tournaments too thin. Number279 and I started hosting tournaments becasue no one else was stepping up to the plate. Instead of going off and trying to do your own thing, I would like you to try and help us out. Maybe someone who can help with rankings ect..? As for the pop-pop web site, it is an open site. Several people are able to all log into it if given a password. If you would like to try and host a tournament, I think Number279 and myself would be happy to have a third helper.

With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. (url="http://"")anklebiter's web cam(/url) (url="http://"") 1000th post (/url)


Originally posted by anklebiter:
Maybe someone who can help with rankings ect..?

Yeh, that's what I'm talking about! I can't make most of the tournaments, it seems; but I have alot of time on my hands generally to play pop-pop and to compile rankings. So if folks want to send me match scores I'll process the information and post it on my hot new (url="http://"")rankings page(/url). I don't mean to dilute anyone's effort at all, I just see this as a way of involving people who, for whatever reason, can't make the formal tournaments. I see the two systems as coexisting quite happily, cause whatever yr rank is there's still the draw of trying to win a discrete tournament. Also, like I said in the other topic, if folks decide to adopt another ranking system I'll gladly fold mine up and just repost the official results on my site; but for now if you send me your scores I'll put yr name & rank up on the list! You'll see I also have a spot for IM names, which I also think could be really useful; it'll let us bug each other about playing! 😄

So sign up and send those scores to!

OK Danny, here is the deal. We will have 2 ratings, 1 tournament based, and another to account for all other games that take place.


Originally posted by Danny:
**Yeh, that's what I'm talking about! I can't make most of the tournaments, it seems; but I have alot of time on my hands generally to play pop-pop and to compile rankings. So if folks want to send me match scores I'll process the information and post it on my hot new rankings page. I don't mean to dilute anyone's effort at all, I just see this as a way of involving people who, for whatever reason, can't make the formal tournaments. I see the two systems as coexisting quite happily, cause whatever yr rank is there's still the draw of trying to win a discrete tournament. Also, like I said in the other topic, if folks decide to adopt another ranking system I'll gladly fold mine up and just repost the official results on my site; but for now if you send me your scores I'll put yr name & rank up on the list! You'll see I also have a spot for IM names, which I also think could be really useful; it'll let us bug each other about playing! 😄

So sign up and send those scores to!**

With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. (url="http://"")anklebiter's web cam(/url) (url="http://"") 1000th post (/url)


Originally posted by anklebiter:
OK Danny, here is the deal. We will have 2 ratings, 1 tournament based, and another to account for all other games that take place.

Aright, that makes sense.

Just another thought, I was having.

On the idea of two separate ranking systems:

Personally I wouldn't mind incorporating the two systems at sometime. I envision it being very much like Golf. The ranking system is just to let everyone know who the best of the best are, and part of it is of course for show.

You could make tournament wins worth more than regular wins, of course; but the end would just be that when the tournament starts, everyone has an idea of who's good going in.

Also, since everyone has a chance to play everyone in the first round, it would make upsets that much better. When the referee (probably me, or anklebiter at this point) does the write-up it will be cool to see say the #9 ranked player defeat the #1 ranked player in a first round preliminary match.

Rankings are basically just a point of reference. They give us something cool to go by.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." - Thoreau


Originally posted by Number279:
You could make tournament wins worth more than regular wins...

Yeah; also, placing well in a tournament could be worth more than just winning that many games: if we have a points system, say, you could get 3 extra points for a first place finish or 1 for third, above and beyond the points you get for the match wins themselves.