Unregistered Pop-Pop disconnects after 3 Minutes


Originally posted by anklebiter:
< good ideas>

I got bored a while ago and put together a bit of a (url="http://"http://www.squibix.net/dan/pop/")pop-pop page(/url), on which I included a link to IM me and see if I wanted to play a game; I'd be happy to add anyone else's IM names. Also, I'm pretty sure there's a way to tell if people are online with little icons from AIM.

- squibix


Originally posted by Helix20:
**I am a lot better at this game than all of my mates....


Then let them practice!

I'm not playing a saxophone.......I AM a saxophone....A talking saxophone...

.......Then let them practice!..........

My friends all have peecees..... 😞

(This message has been edited by Helix20 (edited 12-12-2002).)


Originally posted by Helix20:
.......Then let them practice!..........

My friends all have peecees..... 😞

(This message has been edited by Helix20 (edited 12-12-2002).)**

And you call them gasp friends?

With a name like anklebiter, you expect me to be nice?
What is anklebiter's birds up too? (url="http://"http://www.foxchange.com/~matt/anklecam/")click to find out!(/url)


Originally posted by Helix20:
**No. That's not the point I was making. It sucks for the registered users too!!


The best way to find a game online is to launch pop-pop and just leave it open with a game up (run it in Window mode so you can do other things while you wait).

Plenty of people launch the game, see no one around, and then quit. If a few of them just left games up, this would stop the "no one is around" cycle dead in its tracks. 🙂

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Some people's minds are like cement: all mixed up and permanently set...


Originally posted by Helix20:
My friends all have peecees...**

I meant on your computer. By the way, to quote, click the "quote" icon in the little bar above the post. 🙂

I'm not playing a saxophone.......I AM a saxophone....A talking saxophone...

I think that this has already kinda been thought of in this topic, but here's my idea for more internet games. How about a kind of pop-pager? This would be a little program that connects to the pop-pop tracker, but doesn't have the ability to actually play a game or any thing like that. Instead, it just posts a little message in the 'games' column saying something like 'pop-page me'...you get the idea. Than, if you are online but don't want to run pop-pop in the background (some of us don't have big honking piles of RAM!) you just run this little program. Someone signs on to the tracker, clicks on your little message, and a dialouge pops up on your screen over your web browser or what ever. If you can spare some time for a game, you quit whatever you're doing and boot up pop-pop. If not, you can respectfully decline. This would let people know you were available, let you know other people wanted to play (with out having to run some kind of other messaging program) and hopefully save on RAM. I don't know if something like this would work, but it would be pretty neat, I think. Just to let you know, I have no plan on making this and have no idea how to go about it... that's why i'm throwing it out to you guys.
Thanks for your time!

(This message has been edited by 😮 (edited 12-16-2002).)

good idea

that way you could play other games or check e-mail while waiting


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