I have 'Special' problems...

Often, when I play online, my special doesn't work. I'll push the button, but nothing happens. Other times, it works flawlessly. Any ideas as to what's going on?

Do not aproach a cow from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.
-Mark Twain

I like (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/specter2255/")schtuff(/url).

Do you have enough power bars?

What connection do you have (ie. cable, DSL, etc.)?

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net

Are you sure you have enough energy to charge up? You need at least four yellow bars. Look to the left side of your screen.

P.S 900 Posts!

"I'll admit it, I was never good with people. Even as a child, my imaginary friend would go to play with the kid down the street."
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/soysauce2242")House of Soy (Last update- 7-23-02)(/url) | (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/soysauce2242/Heraan/Heraan.html")Heraan Info Core (Event Horizon Webstory)(/url)


Originally posted by SoySauce:
**Are you sure you have enough energy to charge up? You need at least four yellow bars. Look to the left side of your screen.

Oh... I didn't realise you needed energy to use your special. That explains it.

Do not aproach a cow from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.
-Mark Twain

I like (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/specter2255/")schtuff(/url).

I was going to say RTFM, then realized that all important fact didn't make it in. DOH.

This information (and more) will be appearing in the pop-pop FAQ shortly.

(This message has been edited by jinx (edited 07-29-2002).)


Originally posted by jinx:
**I was going to say RTFM, then realized that all important fact didn't make it in. DOH.

This information (and more) will be appearing in the pop-pop FAQ shortly.

(This message has been edited by jinx (edited 07-29-2002).)**


-- One step beyond, Yo' Fox


Originally posted by anklebiter:

R ead T he F ***ing M anual

Do not aproach a cow from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.
-Mark Twain

I like (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/specter2255/")schtuff(/url).