Twinkie or Starfish?

Who here thinks that Tex is the lost renegade son of the Twinkie cowboy mascot? Ah damn... I just typed "Twinkie Cowboy Mascot". I feel dirty.

Just dropped in the forums. Thought I'd say hello to all the pops I play regular 🙂

Cynn Samhain Smith


Well there is a strange resemblence now that you point it out.

Oh and welcome to the boards. I'm sure you'll get a christening soon, Big gun style.
Bobster covers his ears

(This message has been edited by Bobster (edited 07-30-2002).)

Your ideas are ingenious, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

That having been said, you have a good point; I never thought about it before. More than once, however, I've mistaken his mouth for his nose.

Sonderlich Die, welche sich "die Guten" heissen, fand ich als die giftigsten Fliegen: sie stechen in aller Unschuld, sie lügen in aller Unschuld; wie vermöchten sie, gegen mich--gerecht zu sein! ... Die Dummheit der Guten nämlich ist unergründlich. -- Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra (7.19)