I'm baaaaaAAAAaaack!

No I did not vanish off the face of the earth, although that woulda been kinda fun.
Why I've been gone: Got Diablo II Lord of Destruction, got Unreal Tournament, read books.
Anyway I'm back and ready to get back to that evil level editor known as MASCOT and pump out some levels!

Yes, Unreal Tournament has taken about 2 weeks of my alpha testing time away from me...not that I minded so much...

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

Quake III Arena, SC3K, and especially Myst III kept me from my wonderful goal (Basic Nothingness, shipping now, get it before it melts! 😉 ).

Glad to have you back. People have been disappearing as of late...

Greetings - I am your friendly neighborhood moderator. Over the coming years I shall force-feed you my biased one-sided liberal tripe that I find truthful based upon my own faulty and fragmented logic; excessive smileys 🙂 🙂 🙂 and bizarre TexT! formatting also help clarify my inane points. Welcome to the boards!

Myst III messed me up too. 😉

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better