
Let it be known that tonight Zeal beat me at a match with a terrifying display of skill and ability. What was most impressive was his lack of overuse of special attacks. It had been a while since a Pop-Pop match got my blood racing.

Good job, Zeal. I look forward to playing you more.

For the record, I did beat Zeal at a match afterwards. We have yet to see who wins 2 out of 3 matches.


"Italians don't have mohawks, Eric." - My dad

heh, i look forward to it too. my style of gameplay is somewhat different from the rest of the pop-players. im a brick player, i rarely think of using specials, and when i do, it causes my downfall because i forget to save for the last joust in the time rush to stay alive. i also like how you have the same style as me, bricks only. i feared from the start your'd bash me with bombs when struggling, but no, you'd rather cram those last hollow bricks down my throat than to beat me with a special.

great games!

SN on the Pop Tracker: DEMO {MG} Zeal
Want to join the Master's Guild? Beat me in a recruit game!
Friendly rivalrys with: EVula, Thrawn, anklebiter.


Originally posted by Zealous Cloud:
**heh, i look forward to it too. my style of gameplay is somewhat different from the rest of the pop-players. im a brick player, i rarely think of using specials, and when i do, it causes my downfall because i forget to save for the last joust in the time rush to stay alive. i also like how you have the same style as me, bricks only. i feared from the start your'd bash me with bombs when struggling, but no, you'd rather cram those last hollow bricks down my throat than to beat me with a special.

great games!


But Zeal knows that I know his secret 🙂 I also wanna 'nother game with Granta sometime!

-- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

yes, but Granata hasnt figured it out yet. so if you tell him, ill just have to beat you to a pulp in pop with some new techniques. so 😛

SN on the Pop Tracker: DEMO {MG} Zeal
Want to join the Master's Guild? Beat me in a recruit game!
Friendly rivalrys with: EVula, Thrawn, and anklebiter.
Visit the Official (url="http://"")Masters Guild Site(/url)


Originally posted by Zealous Cloud:
**yes, but Granata hasnt figured it out yet. so if you tell him, ill just have to beat you to a pulp in pop with some new techniques. so:p


Its on 🙂

-- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

Life sux. I can say the same about 5 people who have played me and won recently.

Sonderlich Die, welche sich "die Guten" heissen, fand ich als die giftigsten Fliegen: sie stechen in aller Unschuld, sie lügen in aller Unschuld; wie vermöchten sie, gegen mich--gerecht zu sein! ... Die Dummheit der Guten nämlich ist unergründlich. -- Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra (7.19)